Science Non-Fiction

I was supporting our local economy the other day, when I noticed further proof of the decline of the education system. Or maybe it was a pointy-haired manager’s decisions. Or maybe it’s the decline of common sense.

Regardless of the cause, here is the effect:

picture of Star Wars books on the non-fiction bookshelf

What are Star Wars books doing in the non-fiction section?

And it wasn’t just one book out of place. There were a few blocks of different Star Wars titles in there.

picture of Star Wars books on the non-fiction bookshelf

I can almost hear the rationalization: “It’s a book that describes the characters in the movie. It’s a non-fiction book about a fictional movie!”

If it were a making-of-Star-Wars book or the actors’ biographies, I could understand it. But it’s a book about fictional characters. It’s nothing but made-up people, places, and other nouns.

It’s fiction.

And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in the sight of everyone; and they counted up the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

Acts 19:19

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:25 am and has been carefully placed in the Marketing category.

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