Boxing Day

Sorry, Canada – this post has nothing to do with Christmas.

My wife and I are similar in that we like to pile things up and take care of them later. This has a drawback in that, if one waits too long, the pile can become overwhelming. (Don’t even ask about the ironing.)

For example, we separate our cardboard boxes from the rest of the garbage because that’s what the recyclers want. Plus I have to break down and fold the boxes anyway because they’re too bulky for the normal trash can. Once I have to break it down, it doesn’t cost me any extra to place it in one bin versus the other.

But so that I’m not inconvenienced any time I empty a box, I just toss the boxes into a pile (in the garage, usually) and break them all down at once (when I can’t walk through the garage anymore, usually). Sometimes I do rethink this method.

picture of a jumbled pile of boxes in my kitchen

Above is a picture of the kitchen before I started breaking down the boxes. It did take a while.

Note: if you are going to start a large task in the kitchen, wait until you are sure that the wife won’t need to use the kitchen. The kids thought it was great, but they mostly just wanted to run through the pile and play with the boxes, which was counterproductive if your plan is to organize them.

After a while, I ended up with the kitchen back how it started:

picture of neatly folded and stacked boxes in my kitchen

So they piled them in heaps, and the land became foul.

Exodus 8:14

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:36 am and has been carefully placed in the Life category.

One Response to “Boxing Day”

  1. phoebe Says:

    My kids tend to raid the recycling box to get items for making crafts. So as soon as I’ve flattened a box or washed a can, they’re rustling through there pulling stuff back out.

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