Defensive Schemes for Parents

Since we’re in the sports doldrums (between hockey and football seasons), there’s a lull in the play-calling world. I know baseball is being played, but there aren’t many different defenses you can have in a baseball game. But enough about baseball – don’t get distracted from the main topic…

To fill the void of play calling during the summer months, I present to you Defensive Schemes for Parents.

You can look at this in at least 2 ways:

  1. You’re a parent who wants to understand sports lingo, or
  2. You know sports but don’t know how to handle the number of children you have

Guide to Football-style Diagrams: O is for offense (children in this case) and X is for defense (parents in this case).

diagram of double team, man to man, zone, and prevent defensive schemes as they relate to parents and children

I haven’t quite figured out what’s analogous to the goal line. But whatever it is, I have to make sure my kids don’t get there.

For a two-parent family,
1 child = double team
2 children = man to man
3 children = zone
4 children = prevent

Brothers and fathers, listen now to my defense.

Acts 22:1

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 11:03 pm and has been carefully placed in the Sports category.

3 Responses to “Defensive Schemes for Parents”

  1. Burrill Says:

    Remember, though, that the prevent defense serves only to prevent defense.

  2. Some Guy Says:

    I think the better analogy is a 5-on-3 power play. You stay closer to the goal and play differently than a 5-4 power play. You have no choice in that situation, as opposed to the “prevent” defense in football, which is a choice.

  3. Ricky Anderson Says:

    Being a baseball guy, zone and numbered defenses always confused me. I can handle man-to-man, but other than that, I’ll just give up and watch from the bench. At least that’s what I did in the one horrible season I played basketball.

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