
Here are some items for mild amusement:

graphic showing avocado and avocadon't


graphic showing avocados, avocatres, and avocaquatro

Of course they are available for purchase. You can buy avocadon’t shirts here (or here) or buy avocatres shirts here. Or maybe “avoquatro” flows better than does “avocatres”.

Yet gleanings will be left in it like the shaking of an olive tree, Two or three olives on the topmost bough, Four or five on the branches of a fruitful tree, Declares the LORD, the God of Israel.

Isaiah 17:6

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:27 am and has been carefully placed in the Humor category.

2 Responses to “Avocado”

  1. Ricky Anderson Says:

    Avocaquatro. Love it.

  2. Some Guy Says:

    Sorry Ricky – I changed it to “avoquatro”.

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