Parenting Tips

Parent Tip: Do not leave a toddler unattended with a banana. Or blueberries. Unless you like cleaning them out of upholstery.

Parent Tip: If you’re carrying a child on your back or shoulders and you accidentally cause a minor injury (e.g. he’s swinging his legs as you walk through a doorway and he knocks his ankle against the frame, or you take a turn a little too wide and bump his shoulder on the wall corner), just say “Ouch!” before he does. This happens occasionally with Gamma, and when I say “Ow!”, he will laugh and correct me with “No, that was me!” and then he will forget that he was supposed to be hurt.

Parent Tip: If your pre-schooler asks for a bowl of Lucky Charms, give him only a dozen pieces at a time. He can get the next dozen pieces after he has eaten all of the current pieces. If you don’t run breakfast this way, he will have had a bowl of marshmallows and you will be left with a bowl of plain cereal pieces.

Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted,

Psalm 55:2

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:43 pm and has been carefully placed in the Life category.

3 Responses to “Parenting Tips”

  1. phoebe Says:

    Parenting Tip: When my 7-year-old was angry about something yesterday, I made a joke about putting her “angry eyes” away. She immediately laughed and was angry no more. Don’t think it’ll work every time, but at least it worked once. Of course, the child would have to have seen Toy Story for that to work.

  2. Ricky Anderson Says:

    I get all my tips from you, SG. Thanks!

  3. Some Guy Says:

    Glad I could help.

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