Scale Improvement

The scale has gone through many iterations through the years.

First, the balance:

image of balance scales

No, not that balance – the balance for weighing a person:

image of balance scales

Next, the dial:

image of dial scales

Next, the digital display:

image of digital scales

Finally, the talking scale:

image of talking scales

But the problem with the talking scale is that it is not as private as one might want.

image of loud talking scales

Is your talking scale too loud? Are you embarrassed to have your weight announced?

Worry no longer – there is a solution!

Talking Scale with Adjustable Offset

Make a talking scale with a selectable offset. Have the scale silently subtract 5, 10, 20, or more pounds off your weight before it makes the announcement.

image of talking scales with selectable weight subtraction

Only you know the correct weight, and eavesdroppers will be impressed.

But wait, there’s more!

Call now and get two Adjustable Talking Scales for the price of one!

That’s right. Two scales for the price of one! Call now! Don’t delay!

Alas, I do not have any scales to sell. Any entrepreneurs out there are free to profit off this idea if they want.

Differing weights are an abomination to the Lord, And a false scale is not good.

Proverbs 20:23

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:21 am and has been carefully placed in the Ideas category.

2 Responses to “Scale Improvement”

  1. Ricky Anderson Says:

    But weight, there’s more!

  2. Some Guy Says:

    Nicely done there, Mr. Anderson.

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