Vacation Recap, Lake Erie, Part 3
We took a week to circle Lake Erie. We never visited Lake Erie itself, just a few interesting points.
Day 2
Upon leaving Old Fort Niagara, we drove a while to Rochester, NY. We went straight to the children’s museum – the Strong Museum. We allowed for 2 or 3 hours there, but the kids could have spent longer there. Part of the problem was that we weren’t able to fit a good meal in there so people were running out of energy.
But they had a bunch of displays.
Sesame Street:
It wasn’t the whole set, but the most recognizable parts of Sesame Street were setup there, life size.
Delta asked if Big Bird was a giraffe.
Berenstain Bears:
You could also pose with the Berenstain Bear family. I guess they’re life size. They second photo is of what was called Papa Bear’s Workshop. It had some tools and other things, but I had to pull Delta off the plumbing activity. He would have stayed there all day. They had some plastic pipes in a box under the sink. The purpose of the activity was to fix the sink by connecting the pipes. The reason I had to pull him off was because other kids wanted to play but he wasn’t letting them near it.
There were many other displays too. I’d recommend this place.
Then it was off to the hotel and we had our first experience at Wegmans. Nothing bad to say about Wegmans, other than there is not one near our home.
Day 3
Another day in Rochester. On this day we had two activities planned: Erie Canal boat ride and a tour of the Eastman Kodak house.
Erie Canal:
We went on the Sam Patch tour boat.
It was about an hour. We just went down the canal to one of the locks, through the lock, out of the lock just enough to turn around, and then back.
I was expecting more of a guided tour, with the captain telling us some history and stuff. He did point out some points of interest and announced some things, but in general the boat was full of adults who just wanted to talk to each other.
One of the locks had a small leak.
I think the boys liked this one. At least they liked that they could sit outside at the front of the boat.
Then we had lunch and went on to the Eastman House – the former home of George Eastman. Now it is a museum about him and the Kodak company. The camera history stuff was interesting for a little bit. The kids’ activity room was interesting for a little bit. The house tour was interesting for a little bit.
Some displays about the history of photography:
And George Eastman was apparently a fan of big game hunting, as evidenced by the decorations in his parlor.
Not only that, but we saw a trash can made of an elephant’s foot (presumably the same elephant whose head was in the other room) and some things made of a large feline (leopard?)
Overall, I don’t know that this was worth the price of admission. Also note, the lady at the ticket counter informed us that the photographs on display that week were family friendly, but that’s not the case every week.
Then we went back to Wegmans to get some dinner, and back to the hotel to eat the dinner and get ready for some more travel the next day.
To Be Continued …
Then we went on board the ship, and they returned home again.
Acts 21:6

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:34 am and has been carefully placed in the Travel category.