Chocolate for Breakfast, Part 4
My earlier post had been about a new chocolate cereal. We found another chocolate cereal that has joined the breakfast game: Chocolate Life.
Officially, it is chocolate-flavored Life. I think that sounds better than other cereals that bill themselves as chocolately, since chocolately makes it sounds like it’s fake chocolate. I think both terms (chocolate-flavored and chocolately) mean the exact same thing though, as they both have cocoa as an ingredient. Probably the best way around it is just to call your product cocoa-whatever, as that is both true and doesn’t sound fake. In this case, Quaker went with chocolate instead of cocoa.
It doesn’t really matter though.
It doesn’t taste like chocolate, or cocoa, or chocolatiness. It tastes pretty much like regular Life cereal does. Which is not a bad thing, but don’t pay extra for this just because it says chocolate.
Still, it’s better than Special K with Chocolately Chunks.
You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.
Matthew 5:13

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 10:46 am and has been carefully placed in the Food category.