The Age of Jesus, Part 2
Some longtime readers of this blog may remember I wrote something about why Jesus lived for only 33 years and what was significant about the number 33.
I still like my answer, but I did find another meaning to the number 33, and I think it fits in quite nicely.
One of the many Old Testament laws had to do with impurity and cleanness after childbirth. If a woman gave birth to a male child she was unclean for 33 days and if she gave birth to a female child she was unclean for 66 days.
What does Mary giving birth to Jesus have to do with this?
But if we consider that Jesus was born of this world, then the earth would be unclean for 33 units of time. I haven’t worked out how to make the jump from days to years, I’m just concentrating on the number 33.
I also don’t want to take the comparison too far lest anyone think that the earth was Jesus’ mother.
Back to the numbers now. So the earth would be unclean for 33 years after Jesus’ birth. Hmm… It was also unclean for the 3756 years before Jesus was born. We’re just going to ignore that part for now too.
Anway, the earth would be unclean for 33 years after the birth of Jesus. Then how did the mother become clean after 33 days? She had to sacrifice a lamb, of course.
Jesus is both the child and the lamb in this analogy. He was sacrificed 33 years after his birth and that purified the earth. Hmm… Maybe that’s not the best way of phrasing it either, because that hints at universal salvation. Maybe “allowed inhabitants of earth to be purified” would be better.
Maybe I’m stretching it a bit, but I thought there was a decent connection between the 33 years that Jesus lived and the 33 days of uncleanness.
Now I realize that it could also imply the earth was only unclean while Jesus was on the earth. I’ll leave that topic alone also.
That’s all – just something to think about.
And she shall stay at home in her condition of blood purification for thirty-three days; she shall not touch any consecrated thing, nor enter the sanctuary until the days of her purification are completed.
Leviticus 12:4

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 11:51 am and has been carefully placed in the Ponder category.