I’m Unstoppable
I became familiar with this song when we watched season 24 of NBC’s The Voice. It was performed by a teenage girl, which I assume was the target audience of this song when it was originally recorded.
I get what the song was going for, and I don’t want to detract from that. But for those of us who aren’t teenage girls, I re-wrote the song to represent how they can sometimes appear to their families.
I also just watched Inside Out 2 so I think this fits in with that. And I don’t want it to come across as all negative, but the stereotypes just lent themselves to these lyrics.
I’m impossible
I will answer with a sigh
I’ve got attitude
Yeah I roll my eyes every day
I will hold a grudge
I don’t hear anything you say
I’m so sensitive
Yeah I’m impossible todayI put my headphones on, show you I’m on my own
I turn my filter on, I’ll show you that I amrepeat
I was going to go with “I’m emotional” but I think “impossible” replaces “unstoppable” better from a phonical standpoint.
Before looking up the lyrics for this blog post, I was only familiar with the chorus. Now having looked at the verses, I see the song has a different meaning than what I initially understood. And it takes me back to my earlier years with a similar song.
The song I think is most similar to this one is “I Am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel. Musically, it’s not close. But the lyrics talk about the same thing – putting on a stoic face to avoid dealing with hurt feelings.
And Jacob saw the attitude of Laban, and behold, it was not friendly toward him as it had been before.
Genesis 31:2

This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:13 am and has been carefully placed in the Humor category.