Archive for the ‘Marketing’ Category

Michigan is Where?

I saw a sweepstakes from Pure Michigan, an organization devoted to promoting Michigan. You could win a trip to a waterpark. The reason the advertisement was noteworthy is that you were to mail the form to Minnesota.
Overall form

Detail of form address

If Michigan is so great, which I do think it is, then why is Pure Michigan not in Michigan?   I know – they just contracted with an existing letter-opening and sweepstakes-handling firm.  But isn’t that the point of Pure Michigan – to get people to do things in Michigan?  I would expect that at least one company in Michigan would be capable of handling their contest needs.

“He changes a wilderness into a pool of water And a dry land into springs of water; And there He makes the hungry to dwell, So that they may establish an inhabited city”
– Psalm 107:35-36

Dear Prized Customer

I received a notice from an organization that I could save some money on car insurance. What I liked best was that the letter was personalized, just for me!

I have included an image of the entire front of the letter, and then I have highlighted the personalized part.

full letter

close-up of personalized section

For those who can’t see the image, it says “Mr. Sample… you could save $346 a year or more on auto insurance”. However, I am not Mr. Sample; that is not my name.

“A {good} name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold”
– Proverbs 22:1

Engineering in Advertising

Audi has an ad campaign entitled “Truth in Engineering”. I find that to be a poorly-named theme. It implies that there can be lies in engineering. If there are lies or falsehoods in the product, then it is not engineering – it’s marketing or management or something else.

Engineering is all about finding the best design for the product. Apparently the campaign has something to do with how well the car handles and communicates the road conditions to the driver. A more appropriate name could be “Truth through Engineering” or “Truth by Engineering”, but perhaps that wasn’t catchy enough.

“and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
– John 8:32