Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category

Austrian Accent

I noticed some people were trying to use the German accenterator to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem is that Arnold is not German, and he doesn’t sound like the stereotypical German.

So I went ahead and created an accenterator page for everyone’s favorite Austrian farmer. Go visit the Austrian accent page to try the accent.

One thing I noticed is there are many similarities between The Ahnold and a Boston accent. Try each of them with a phrase like ‘smart park your car in Harvard yard’ and see how close they are.

So why doesn’t Arnold sound like he’s from Boston? I think it’s mostly the tone of voice. That’s one of the drawbacks of written English – no tones. Say that phrase with a lower, more even tone and it’s Arnold. Say that same phrase with a higher, brighter tone and it’s Bostonian.

They called this out with a loud voice in the language of Judah to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to frighten and terrify them, so that they might take the city.

2 Chronicles 32:18

More Tree Climbers Guild

A while back I posted some information about Tree Climbers Guild, although they might not appreciate that I capitalized their band name here.

I’m taking this opportunity to point out that their songs are now on YouTube. Feel free to enjoy some of the sounds of my college days.

Tree Climbers Guild album

Who improvise to the sound of the harp, And like David have composed songs for themselves,

Amos 6:5

More Accents

One upside to being sheltered in place is that there are now some new accents on the site. You can now train yourself how to sound like Elmer Fudd, Scooby Doo, or Mark Wahlberg. Oh, and there’s Beaker.

And it seems the German accent code went missing. I’ll have to re-write that one, as the only other place a backup might be is on a laptop that’s in a building that is closed due to fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Officially it’s closed because it has been deemed a non-essential business, but I’m thinking liability is a factor too.

Anyway, Elmer Fudd was the easiest to write. It took longer to find a decent picture of him than to code his accent. And the Boston accent (“smaht pahk”) took much longer to write than I expected. It was supposed to be just replace the Rs with Hs but it turns out to be more complicated than that.

As for their children, half spoke in the language of Ashdod, and none of them was able to speak the language of Judah, but the language of his own people.

Nehemiah 13:24

Pachelbel Season

My kids like to tease me by playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving, even though I am trying to raise them in the truth that the Christmas season does not start until after Thanksgiving. But we got snow here on Halloween, so it’s easy to see why they felt like it.

Anyway, Christmas is a very popular time for Pachelbel’s Canon in D. If only he were around today to collect royalties…

I figured I might as well add a contribution into the mix. Here are some links to the song in various file formats, as I didn’t want to go through the hassle of setting up an audio player within this blog. I’m assuming your device will know at least one of these formats and can play it. Note: the MIDI format is the worst of this lot, at least on my computer.

Pachelbel and Soul in MP3 format
Pachelbel and Soul in WAV format
Pachelbel and Soul in MIDI format

And here’s the score, in case you’re, umm, keeping score.
Pachelbel and Soul in PDF format

I started trying other parts of the song too, and everything worked well together. I just didn’t feel like spending more time on it, but there’s a lot one could do with this combination.

As a bonus, I finally have an ending to Heart and Soul that I like. I’ve heard a couple different endings and I never could remember what the official ending to the tune was. Now I’m going to stick with this amalgamation.

But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29

Baby Names 2018

Subtitle: in which I improve the government’s records

Allow me to introduce to you the 2018 SFS List of Baby Names that Combine Similar Pronunciations. That baby name list is the place to go in case you are wondering what are the most popular baby names in 2018 regardless of how they are spelled. The Social Security baby name list does not adjust the rankings based on alternate spellings (like Catherine/Katherine), but SFS does.

It was just Mother’s Day, so the SSA released the name rankings for 2018. Last year’s champion, Jackson is again the most popular boy’s name in the US. Aiden is losing popularity fast – if it were a stock I would say sell now (or rather, you should have sold last year).
No controversy for the girls – it’s Sophia again.

Some Stats

  • The top 6 names for the boys are the same, but Noah and Aiden switched spots in #3 and 4.
  • The top 6 names for the girls are the same as 2017, it’s just that Amelia jumped 2 spots from #6 to 4.
  • Again, Liam has the title of the highest-ranked boy’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 2.
  • Again, Emma is the highest-ranked girl’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 3.
  • Girl names still have more spelling variations than boy names (275/1000 vs. 186/1000 alternates)
  • Kason once again took the prize for the most spelling variations for the boys at 8 (and Kayson overtook Kason as the more popular variant). And Aiden lost a variation so now it has only 6.
  • For the girls, Adaline lost a variation so it is now tied with Madalyn, Layla, and Amaya at 6.
  • Sophia is still the runaway favorite for the girls, but the gap is closing. Sophia is on the decline. In fact, all the top names, other than Amelia, are on the decline.

2018 Improved Baby Name List

Click on the link above and peruse to your heart’s content!

six of their names on the one stone and the names of the remaining six on the other stone, according to their birth.

Exodus 28:10

Baby Names 2017

Subtitle: in which I improve the government’s records

Allow me to introduce to you the 2017 SFS List of Baby Names that Combine Similar Pronunciations. That baby name list is the place to go in case you are wondering what are the most popular baby names in 2017 regardless of how they are spelled. The Social Security baby name list does not adjust the rankings based on alternate spellings (like Catherine/Katherine), but SFS does.

It was just Mother’s Day, so the SSA released the name rankings for 2017. Last year’s champion, Jackson is again the most popular boy’s name in the US. And it is widening the gap over Aiden – Jackson’s count is going up and Aiden’s count is going down. So much so, in fact, that Liam has jumped above Aiden.

No controversy for the girls – it’s Sophia again.

Some Stats

  • The top 4 names for the boys are the same, in mostly the same order except for Liam jumped up to #2.
  • The top 5 names for the girls are the same as 2016, it’s just Ava and Isabella swapped spots at 4 and 5.
  • Liam has taken the title of the highest-ranked boy’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 2. Noah previously held the record
  • Emma is the highest-ranked girl’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 3.
  • Girl names still have more spelling variations than boy names (275/1000 vs. 190/1000 alternates)
  • Kason once again took the prize for the most spelling variations for the boys at 8. And only Aiden had 7 variations.
  • For the girls, Adaline once again claimed the title of most variations – still at 7.
  • Sophia is still the runaway favorite for the girls, but the gap is closing. Sophia is on the decline.

2017 Improved Baby Name List

Click on the link above and peruse to your heart’s content!

Then Jared lived eight hundred years after he became the father of Enoch, and he had other sons and daughters.

Genesis 5:19

Fire Pits Done Wrong

I was looking at fire pit designs. There’s no shortage of ideas out there in internetland if you want examples.

But the examples fall into one of two categories: designed to look good (impressive/sleek/rustic/etc.) or DIY for cheap.

The examples that make it into the blogs or websites with the title of “42 Awesome Fire Pit Ideas” (or similar) are not designed to function well.

Caveat: this applies to fire pits meant to burn wood. Gas-burning fire pits are a different matter.

The common theme I noticed with the vast majority of the fire pits is that their designs are bad for combustion. Good combustion requires fresh air. The designs I saw had no fresh air inlet.

“But it’s outside – there’s fresh air all around! You don’t need an air inlet,” you may object.

I’d agree if the fire pit were wide enough. But most of these fancy-looking designs are smallish boxes that don’t leave much room around the outside for new air to filter in.

Think of the fire pit as a very short chimney. What would happen to a normal fireplace if it was closed except for at the top of the chimney? Something like that is happening on these fire pits with solid walls and floor. The hot air is going out the top. The only way for replacement air to get in is to fight against the exhaust air by coming down the sides of the fire pit.

For best results (better fire, less smoke, more complete combustion), a fire pit needs to have a way for fresh air to get at the bottom of the fire.

My suggestion is to space some holes in the fire pit walls near the bottom and to have the logs up on a grate.

In case you are wondering, all our fires so far have just been logs on the ground – no grate, but no walls either.

For wickedness burns like a fire; It consumes briars and thorns; It even sets the thickets of the forest aflame And they roll upward in a column of smoke.

Isaiah 9:18