Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category

Caliper Slide Pins

In our Chrysler minivan (5th generation, model years 2008-2017), I had one of the rear brake calipers seize about a year ago. It turned out to be the lower slide pin that wouldn’t move.

In that design, the slide pin and boot are part of the fixed bracket, not the actual caliper. I couldn’t figure out a quick and easy way to fix it. Can’t replace a slide pin if it won’t slide.

At least they thought ahead and put a hex head on the end of the slide pin. So the pin wouldn’t slide back and forth, but I could put a wrench on it and wiggle it a little bit.

The rubber boot surrounds the slide pin and protects it from water/dust/dirt/salt/etc. In this case, it also prevented me from lubricating the pin so that it would move again. So I went against standard practice and cut a small slit in the boot. I then was able to stick the straw from the can of WD-40 inside the boot and put some WD-40 in there.

I then used the wrench to work the WD-40 throughout the slide pin and I could eventually move the pin fully again.

That was supposed to be a temporary measure. Mainly because I had the caliper off in order to replace the brake pads, and I couldn’t get the caliper back on with the pin stuck. Cutting a hole in the protective boot is not a good long-term measure. Lubricating the slide pin with WD-40 instead of brake grease is not a good long-term measure.

But that was several months ago and I actually forgot about it, probably because it has been working well.

Then this last weekend I noticed that particular brake that I fixed last year was noticeably cooler than the brake on the other side. I figured that meant it wasn’t working anymore, so I investigated. It turns out that it was working fine, it was the other side was running hot because its caliper was seized, causing the brake to drag all the time. Of course, it was the lower pin of the rear caliper, so it seems that’s a trouble spot for that caliper design.

At least I knew what to do this time – nick a spot in the boot, put some WD-40 in there, and work the pin loose with a wrench. It went rather well. We will see how long this side keeps working – the other side is still going strong.

Surely You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction

Psalm 73:18

Spring Compressor Tip

If you’re ever in the market for a coil spring compressor kit, get the kind intended for MacPherson struts or coilovers – not the kind intended for individual coils.

The way I see it, the spring compressors that attach to the outside of the coil can be used for any application, whereas the spring compressors that operate inside of a coil can be used only for standalone coils. It may be better at that one application, but it has limited applications. It doesn’t even work in all standalone coil situations – on my vehicle it couldn’t fit due to the bump stops. But the strut-style compressors worked.

So many people assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region, saying, “Why should the kings of Assyria come and find abundant water?”

2 Chronicles 32:4

Baby Names 2016

Subtitle: in which I improve the government’s records

Allow me to introduce to you the 2016 SFS List of Baby Names that Combine Similar Pronunciations. That baby name list is the place to go in case you are wondering what are the most popular baby names in 2016 regardless of how they are spelled. The Social Security baby name list does not adjust the rankings based on alternate spellings (like Catherine/Katherine), but SFS does.

It was just Mother’s Day, so the SSA released the name rankings for 2016. Last year’s champion, Jackson is again the most popular boy’s name in the US. And it is widening the gap over Aiden – Jackson’s count is going up and Aiden’s count is going down. No controversy for the girls – it’s Sophia again. Her numbers are going back up, but all the top girls’ numbers are going up so that doesn’t mean much.

Some Stats

  • There was not a lot of change at the top for the boys. The top 7 names are the same, and in the same order except William and Jacob swapped spots at 6 and 7.
  • The top 6 names for the girls are the same as 2014, it’s just Ava and Isabella swapped spots at 4 and 5.
  • Noah is once again the highest-ranked boy’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 3.
  • Emma is the highest-ranked girl’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 3.
  • Girl names still have more spelling variations than boy names (279/1000 vs. 186/1000 alternates)
  • Kason took the prize for the most spelling variations for the boys at 8. Last year, Aiden, Kayden, Kason, and Cameron had 7 or more variations, but not this year.
  • For the girls, Adaline once again claimed the title of most variations – still at 7.
  • Sophia is still the runaway favorite for the girls, but the gap is closing. Sophia is on the decline.

2016 Improved Baby Name List

Click on the link above and peruse to your heart’s content!

After he became the father of Jared, Mahalalel lived 830 years and had other sons and daughters.

Genesis 5:16

Copper Calculations

I’m planning on making some heat exchangers. It sounds fancy, but all I’m doing is coiling some soft copper pipe.

My goal is the most bang for my buck, so what’s the best way of arrangement of copper for dollars.

Here’s an example:

image of copper coil heat exchanger

My constraint: the water inlet and outlet are 3/4″ copper pipe.

For this analysis, I’m standardizing on a length of 50′ of coil.

The first obvious choice is using 3/4″ diameter to match the existing piping. A 50′ roll of soft copper pipe runs about $80 for 3/4″ diameter.

The main factor in heat transfer is surface area, so for a cylinder we need pi*d*h. The diameter is 3/4″ -> circumference of 2.356. For one foot, that’s 28.274 of pipe. At $1.60 per foot, that’s 5.66 cents/

For cheaper, I could go with 1/2″ soft pipe. That would result in a faster flow though, which would give less time for heat to transfer, so I don’t know that it is a good choice. But we’ll look at it anyway.

The diameter is 1/2″ -> circumference of 1.571. For one foot, that’s 18.852 of pipe. At $1.00 per foot, that’s 5.30 cents/, a slightly better deal.

So the thinner pipe is slightly cheaper on a surface area basis. But the overall surface area is less and the water will flow faster so it won’t transfer heat as well, so that works counter to the point of a heat exchanger.

To get the same performance, we need the same cross section. Area of 3/4″ = 0.4418. Area of 1/2″ = 0.1963, or approximately half of the area of the 3/4″ diamter pipe. So if I double up the 1/2″ pipe, I can get the same flow as the 3/4″ pipe.

But what about surface area? That doubles! So slightly smaller cross section total, but (18.852 + 18.852)/28.274 = 33% more surface area. Looks like it is better heat transfer performance to have two 1/2″ pipes rather than one 3/4″ pipe.

Now let’s check the other part of the equation: cost.

The two 50′ pipes will cost double a single pipe (no, a 100′ pipe costs more than double, so I wouldn’t save anything by buying that and cutting it in half).

So 33% more performance for (100/80) = 25% more cost. Sounds like a good deal.

One more adjustment, just to make sure all the bases are covered: the area.

The 3/4″ pipe has (0.4418/(0.1963+0.1963)) = 12.5% more cross-sectional area. Which in theory would mean the water flows slower and has more time to absorb the heat.

So 33% more surface area but with a 12.5% reduction for flow rate, compared to 25% more cost for these two choices.

In conclusion, I’m going with the single 3/4″ pipe because it’s half the number of joints to solder therefore the double 1/2″ pipes are twice as likely to fail.

Iron is taken from the dust, And copper is smelted from rock.

Job 28:2


There is now a Sean Connery accent option on Accenterator. Go try it out. It’s not as fun as the Australian accent generator because the vowels aren’t as dramatic, but it’s pretty good if you get the right collection of consonants in there.

If you need suggestions, here are some phrases to enter in the translator box:

  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • This time is the last time.
  • Home sweet home is where I feel the safest.

In case you missed the link, go to and click the Sean Connery button.

then they would say to him, “Say now, ‘Shibboleth.'” But he said, “Sibboleth,” for he could not pronounce it correctly. Then they seized him and slew him at the fords of the Jordan. Thus there fell at that time 42,000 of Ephraim.

Judges 12:6

German Accent

There is now a German accent option on Accenterator. Go try it out. It’s not as fun as the Australian accent generator because the vowels aren’t as dramatic, but it’s pretty good if you get the right collection of consonants in there.

If you need suggestions, here are some phrases to enter in the translator box:

  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • What are you thinking about?
  • The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

In case you missed the link, go to and click the German button.

They called this out with a loud voice in the language of Judah to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to frighten and terrify them, so that they might take the city.

2 Chronicles 32:18

Baby Names 2015

Subtitle: in which I improve the government’s records

Allow me to introduce to you the 2015 SFS List of Baby Names that Combine Similar Pronunciations. That baby name list is the place to go in case you are wondering what are the most popular baby names in 2015 regardless of how they are spelled. The Social Security baby name list does not adjust the rankings based on alternate spellings (like Catherine/Katherine), but SFS does.

It was just Mother’s Day, so the SSA released the name rankings for 2015. Last year’s new champion, Jackson is again the most popular boy’s name in the US. And it is widening the gap over Aiden – Jackson’s count is going up and Aiden’s count is going down. Not looking good for the former champ. No controversy for the girls – it’s Sophia again. Her numbers are going down, but all the top girls’ numbers are going down so that doesn’t mean much.

Some Stats

  • There was not a lot of change at the top for the boys. The top 10 names are the same, and in the same order except William and Jayden swapped spots at 7 and 8.
  • The top 8 names for the girls are the same as 2014, it’s just Mia and Emily swapped spots.
  • Noah is once again the highest-ranked boy’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 3.
  • Abigail is the highest-ranked girl’s name that has no spelling variations, at number 10.
  • Girl names still have more spelling variations than boy names (295/1000 vs. 203/1000 alternates)
  • Aiden still has the most spelling variations for the boys, but it dropped from 9 to 8. Aidyn is the one that dropped off the list.
  • For the girls, Adalynn leapfrogged the other names to claim the title of most variations – now at 7.
  • Sophia is still the runaway favorite for the girls, but the gap is closing. Sophia is on the decline

2015 Improved Baby Name List

Click on the link above and peruse to your heart’s content!

For all our days have declined in Your fury; We have finished our years like a sigh.

Psalm 90:9