Archive for the ‘Projects’ Category

Clothes Room

One of our parents gave my wife a book by the Duggars (20 and Counting) and she read it and she was inspired.

No, not to have more kids.

She was inspired by the Duggar’s laundry.

To rearrange our furniture.

You see, the Duggar kids don’t have dressers in their bedrooms. The bedrooms are just for beds. So they have a couple large bedrooms, and then a dresserroom.

It simplifies laundry.

We have 80% fewer children than they do, but ours are all boys so consolidating makes sense.

Before, we had beds and dressers mixed in a couple of bedrooms.

Now, we have 4 beds in one bedroom, and 4 dressers in one dresserroom. Or clothesroom.

The bedroom closet has linens and pajamas. Things used for a bed.

The clothes room closet has 4 sets of hanging clothes. The hanging clothes for a 5- and 3- year old are short enough that they fit under the older kids’ clothes. I put a thick dowel about 2 feet off the floor, and that works for them. The other clothes rod is about 5.5 feet off the floor.

We are still getting used to the new system, but I think it will work.

So Ebed-melech took the men under his authority and went into the king’s palace to a place beneath the storeroom and took from there worn-out clothes and worn-out rags and let them down by ropes into the cistern to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 38:11

Count Their Blessings

There are some hymns that were great back in the day, but don’t necessarily translate to modern life.

For example, Count Your Blessings.

I’m sure the hymn writer didn’t imagine the days of social media, with Pinterest showing what is possible and Intragram showing what people are doing. And it’s always much better, cooler, and more fun than your dreary life.

So we need to update that hymn.

And I have.

I present to you: Count Your Neighbor’s Blessings

(Neighbor is taken in the modified Biblical sense, in that it is anyone whom you come in contact with, or can read about on the internet.)

Also, if you’re having trouble reading the music, right-click on it (or whatever you have to do) to view the image – the blog page scales it down.

sheet music for the hymn Count Your Neighbor's Blessings, based off the old hymn Count Your Blessings

Verse 1:
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost
Count your neighbor’s blessings, count them when you’re bored,
And it will surprise you what they could afford.

Count their blessings, list out all their stuff;
Count their blessings, you don’t have enough!
Count their blessings, list out all their stuff;
Count your neighbor’s blessings, your life is so rough.

Verse 2:
Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your neighbor’s blessings, happiness will die,
And you will stay angry as the days go by.


Verse 3:
When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that riches passed you by, you’re getting old.
Count your neighbor’s blessings, keep your eyes on things.
Aim for temporary joy that money brings.


Verse 4:
So amid the conflict whether great or small
Try to be disheartened, others have it all.
Count your neighbor’s blessings, envy will attend;
Bitterness will fill you to your journey’s end.


In case you want the music in an editable form, here is the music for the Count Your Neighbor’s Blessings hymn in ABC notation.

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.

James 3:16

Diagnosing Air Conditioning

Our central air wasn’t working, so I had to fix it.

The furnace and thermostat were working fine, because warm air was blowing throughout the house. After a couple of minutes and it still wasn’t blowing cold air, I started looking around.

First step, walk outside and see if the fan was running.

image of the outside unit of a central air conditioning system

It was not.

Second step, look up “central air outside fan not working” on the internet. Also, “how to check air conditioner” and “troubleshoot central air”.

Baby Names 2013

Subtitle: in which I improve the government’s records

Allow me to introduce to you the 2013 SFS List of Baby Names that Combine Similar Pronunciations. That baby name list is the place to go in case you are wondering what are the most popular baby names in 2013 regardless of how they are spelled. The Social Security baby name list does not adjust the rankings based on alternate spellings (like Catherine/Katherine), but SFS does.

It’s was just Mother’s Day, so the SSA released the name rankings for 2013. For yet another year, Aiden is the most popular boy’s name in the US. Rather, the name that is pronounced the same as Aiden is the most popular boy’s name in 2013. No controversy for the girls – it’s Sophia again.

Some Stats

  • The top 4 names for the boys are the same as 2012, even in the same order except (what the government said was the most popular name was actually fifth).
  • The top 6 names for the girls are the same as 2012, it’s just Isabella dropped 2 spots (the government got the first 5 places correct).
  • Noah is the highest-ranked boy’s name that has no spelling variations, passing Ethan, which fell behind William from last year. Either there’s a resurgence in reruns of ER, or else that Russell Crowe movie is more popular than I thought.
  • Girl names still have more spelling variations than boy names (300/1000 vs. 207/1000 alternates)
  • The boys still have the name with the highest number of alternate spellings (Aiden with 9 vs. Liliana and Carly with 7 each)
  • There are so many Sophias, it’s not even a contest any more. There are about 50% more Sophias than the next most popular name. It’s like the name Linda in the late 1940s, particularly 1947.

2013 Improved Baby Name List

Click on the link above and peruse to your heart’s content!

Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.

Genesis 21:3

Baby Name Charts, Animated

Regular readers of this blog will recall that every May I enhance the Social Security’s list of popular baby names during the previous year.

That should happen next week, pending release of the Social Security data.

What I have this week might be more interesting to most people that just a list of names. It is an animation of the growth (and decay) in popularity of the names.

I’m not putting the animations here on SomeBlogSite; rather, they are at SomeFunSite, with the rest of the baby name information. Go view the animations.

Here are some still images though:

image of a bubble graph showing popular male baby names

image of a bubble graph showing popular female baby names

This is how I made them:

First, I collected the top 25 names for each year from 1900-2012. Then I combined them into a list – the superset of top 25 names. For boys, this list was 103 names long. For girls, this list was 175 names long. Apparently girl names go in and out of fashion more quickly than boy names.

Next, I went through each year and got the number of babies born with those names, and put all that information into bubble charts.

Finally, I combined all 113 bubble charts into one animation file.

And then repeat the steps for the other gender.

How long did that take?
Not as long as it sounds. The longest part was figuring out the colors to use and the size of the text for the names and the pattern/placement of the circles.

Once that was in place, it’s easy. Thanks to PHP and SVG, it takes about 1 minute for that second step (generating 113 images). PHP also got the first step done in about 3 seconds (after I took about 15 minutes to write the script).

The last step is a little time consuming. I used GIMP to create the animated GIF. I had to drag and drop 113 files (one at a time) into the program. Maybe there’s a batch import function, maybe there’s a way to script it, but it wasn’t too bad by itself so I didn’t bother trying.

The funny things is that this project succumbed to the problem that the baby names site fixes for the Social Security list of names. That is, duplicate spellings of names are not combined. So the charts have both Aidan and Aiden, or Michaela and Makayla. I noticed this late enough in the process that I didn’t feel like redoing things.

Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.

Genesis 21:3

Bedroom Designs

We hope to move into a new house soon. Inspired by some things on the internet, I started sketching proposals for arrangements of the boys’ bedrooms.

Here are 4 of them.

Sunken Bed

sketch or drawing of a bedroom design with the bed set into the floor

The purpose of this is to prevent injuries for the child who rolls out of bed often. The raised floor can be used for extra storage, with lids to access the space.

The Wondrous Cross

For an upcoming project of sorts, I wanted to find some hymns in a file format that was easily readable by both people and computers. I found the Open Hymnal website, which provides a lot of hymns in ABC format.

To repay Brian J. Dumont for his services, I encoded When I Survey the Wondrous Cross with three different tunes. I picked that one because I noticed the version he had on his website was the wrong tune. Or rather, a tune unfamiliar to me. So I put together an ABC file with it in the right tune. And our hymnal has it set to two different tunes, so I put together the second ABC file. And, while researching the hymn, I saw that it is commonly set to yet another tune. So I setup that ABC file too. I sent the files to Mr. Dumont, but they are not on the website yet. Until then, here are links to the files:

sheet music of the hymn When I Survey the Wondrous Cross to the tune Hamburg

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Hamburg)

sheet music of the hymn When I Survey the Wondrous Cross to the tune O Waly Waly

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (O Waly Waly)

sheet music of the hymn When I Survey the Wondrous Cross to the tune Duke Street

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Duke Street)

But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Galatians 6:14