Archive for the ‘Travel’ Category

Summer Water Fun

We did a few things related to water this past summer. I normally post a vacation recap after our vacation, but I neglected to do so for 2024.
So instead, you’ll get some photos of water-y things we did, both on vacation and not. With things warming up it’s time to think about water rather than snow again.

We did some waterfall and river exploring. This was in Big Falls County Park on the outskirts of Eau Claire, WI. Note that if you’re wondering how to get to Big Falls County Park to visit the falls and go wading, you want the south side – come across on 9 Mile Creek Rd then up N. 130th Ave to the park entrance. Nothing wrong with the north side, but if you want the normal experience use the south side.

Here is what it looks like when you come to the end of the trail and first see the falls.

top of the waterfall at Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire Wisconsin

And then if you go down a level here’s what it looks like.

top of the waterfall at Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire Wisconsin

And this was what I saw looking back up at the falls – the boys testing out the waters.

top of the waterfall at Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire Wisconsin

They worked their way down the falls and were wading through the river. There was a lot of it you could wade through, but there were some spots that required swimming.

top of the waterfall at Big Falls County Park in Eau Claire Wisconsin

That was our stop in Wisconsin. Then we went over to Minnesota, where there are a lot of lakes so we did lake things.

Mainly tubing

tubing in a lake in Wisconsin

and wake surfing. Here’s how one starts wake surfing.

wake surfing in a lake in Wisconsin

And here’s how it should look just after starting. The wave does settle down and become smoother and then you can stay ahead of the break, if all goes well.

wake surfing in a lake in Wisconsin

As far as I can tell, the main difference between tubing and wake surfing is that in wake surfing the boat driver is working with you to help you but in tubing the driver is working against you.

Then from Minnesota we went back into Wisconsin but only to pass through to the UP of Michigan. There we got to do some cliff jumping into Lake Superior.

cliff jumping or cliff diving at Black Rock in Marquette Michigan

cliff jumping or cliff diving at Black Rock in Marquette Michigan

I jumped, although it was not pleasant. It wasn’t that bad, but I don’t need to do it again. I may have needed a few minutes to work myself up to it. My youngest was in the same boat, but once he jumped he liked it and kept jumping.

Then he got the idea in his head that he wanted to swim across the channel, which was basically the open seas of Lake Superior. Here is what it looks like from the POV of the jumping spot.

the open channel at Black Rock in Marquette Michigan

In fact, that picture is of him and his cousin-in-law reaching the other side.

the open channel at Black Rock in Marquette Michigan

And here is their swim back. The water is about 8-10 feet deep right next to the cliff, so in the open water like that it’s probably 15-20 feet. The weather was good though so not much of a current for them to fight.

the open channel at Black Rock in Marquette Michigan

Then from Lake Superior on the north side of the UP we moved to Lake Huron on the south side of the UP. That was a very shallow section so our activites there were more relaxed, like hiking, kayaking, and rowboating.

looking at a shallow bay in Lake Huron in Michigan Upper Peninsula

kayaking at a shallow bay in Lake Huron in Michigan Upper Peninsula

rowboat at a shallow bay in Lake Huron in Michigan Upper Peninsula

We did some other water stuff throughout the summer. Here is a trip to Lake Michigan, which was mostly sitting on the sand and wading in the cold water.

a beach scene at Lake Michigan

And rounding out the travelogue here is our river tubing trip.

tubing on the Huron river in Michigan

This is the end of the whitewater rapids in Ann Arbor, MI. They have a feature there called the Cascades, which is a manmade series of small falls so that kayakers and canoers can bypass the dam on the Huron River.

Those falls are also fun for tubers, as it’s basically a class 0 rapids, or level 1- or whatever is the easiest thing you could do. And if things go bad, all you gotta do is stand up and walk, as it’s about waist deep.

and they got up and drove Him out of the city, and brought Him to the crest of the hill on which their city had been built, so that they could throw Him down from the cliff.

Luke 4:29

Skating at the Ribbon

Every year we go ice skating in the winter. We usually hit up an ice rink during the holidays with family. And then when our pond freezes the boys will go out there some times and skate.

And we did all those things this year, but then we also made a trip to Toledo. Toledo has a fun place called The Ribbon.

people ice skating at The Ribbon in Toledo

The Ribbon is a skating path. Here is what it looks like from above:

overhead view of The Ribbon in Toledo

They have roller skating in the summer and ice skating in winter. It is cooled, so they can keep it frozen throughout the winter season even if the temperature goes above freezing.

And there is a slight elevation change, just a few feet overall and gradual. It’s most noticeable on the back stretch coming back to the rink, where you don’t need to do anything because gravity propels you down the path. Not too fast, but enough that you can stand on the skates and keep going.

picture of The Ribbon in Toledo with ice for skating

The skating path is wide enough for 3 people, which is good because couples tend to skate together and you still have room to pass them.

And they have a nice firepit in the middle of one of the arms, so you can take a break and warm up if you want.

picture of a firepit at The Ribbon in Toledo

And if you want to host a party, you can rent a cabana. When we were there, we saw a couple of cabanas rented, with people hanging out. Plus some people had roasting forks with marshmallows, so I’m guessing the cabana rental includes an option for smores.

picture of the cabanas at The Ribbon in Toledo

And then for those who don’t like the contraints of The Ribbon, it is attached to a small rink.

picture of the skating rink at The Ribbon in Toledo

It’s a nice little respite from The Ribbon, in that you can stop and not be in anyone’s way.

I chose the above photo because it shows the decorative tower between the rink and the river. I’m guessing it looks better at night.

The Ribbon is 1000 yards long, so about 2/3 of a mile. It didn’t seem that long because it loops back on itself so everything always seems close.

There is a natural ice path (not refrigerated, so it’ll melt on sunny days) in Muskegon at the luge adventure sports park. That one is only 1/4 mile long, but it is in the pine forest and is a little more spread out. I haven’t been to that one, but it’s another option.

Then of course there are a bunch of ice skating paths in Canada. And in looking up these places, I found a place that makes them. So you can petition your own city to install an ice skating path.

You indeed put them on slippery ground; You dropped them into ruin.

Psalm 73:18

The Raine in Maine

I traveled to Maine to visit family. Here’s a short recap of some of the events.

We stayed in a small house overlooking Union Bay. Here’s the view from inside the house.

the view from the house looking at the bay in Maine

And here’s the view from the backyard.

the view from the backyard of the house at the shore in Maine

Our first Maine activity was hiking around Jordan Pond. Everything associated with it had the prefix “Jordan Pond”, so that became a short-lived running joke. To get there, you drive up Jordan Pond Drive. You know you’re there when you see the house, which is named Jordan Pond House. Etc, etc.

the sign at Jordan Pond in Maine

It was cold in Maine, but since everything there is ocean salt water, we mostly saw liquid water. Jordan Pond was the first place where a body of water was actually frozen. And it was a good frozen too – several inches thick, we could see a few layers. Other people were running and skating about, so we ventured onto the ice.

Jordan Pond in Maine

We went there not to slide on the ice, but to hike the trail around Jordan Pond. It was called, of course, Jordan Pond Trail. We started going north along the east side. It was a scenic trail, fairly well maintained, like this:

Jordan Pond hiking path in Maine

About the halfway point, there was a bridge, I’m guessing to cross over the Jordan Pond river that feeds it.

Jordan Pond hiking bridge in Maine

After that, the trail became less of a trail and more of a suggestion. It was just a bunch of rocks piled along the shore, and you had to guess where to go next, mostly judging by the shoreline.

Jordan Pond rocky hiking path in Maine

The amount of effort to scramble over snow-covered rocks was more than we anticipated for our group, so we made up a plan B – just walk across the water.

Jordan Pond frozen in Maine

It was the shortest distance between two points. The snow-covered sections were ok, but the bare ice was polished smooth by the winds, so that was pretty slippery.

When we got just past the point of land that jut out, we could see that the shoreline was no longer rocky and there was a path we could walk again. So we decided to abandon plan B and go back to plan A of hiking the trail. The trail for most of the rest of the time consisted of a boardwalk.

Jordan Pond boardwalk path in Maine

The boardwalk ended right near a bridge for the carriage road. There are a few carriage houses and various old bridges leftover from the Rockefeller days, before it became Acadia National Park.

Jordan Pond carriage road bridge in Maine

We also visited Bar Harbor quickly. There is not much to do there in the winter. And a swing by the LL Bean outlet. Trying to fit in a bunch of typical Maine experiences. Including buying food at Shaw’s and perusing Marden’s for whatever we can find.

These are the ones who crossed the Jordan in the first month, when it was overflowing all its banks, and they put to flight all those in the valleys, to the east and to the west.

1 Chronicles 12:15

Summer Break 2023, Part 3

This is the third of a two-part series, like the fourth book of a trilogy. You can also read about the first part of our trip here.

After we returned from Canada, we had one day to unpack then one day to repack, then on the third day we left for the shores of Lake Michigan, where we vacationed with purpose.

The first thing we noticed is that the old dirt-and-mulch pathway between houses was upgraded. As far as we know, this is a volunteer effort by the one homeowner, so I just wanted to note that it looks good.

image of a walkway at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

We arrive Saturday, get setup, have dinner, then go to the Saturday concert. Afterwards is a walk down to Lake Michigan to see the sunset. Here is the view at the beach that first evening.

image of a hazy beach scene at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

That’s not just overcastiness, that’s the effect of the Canadian wildfires. They were going strong while we were in Canada, but you couldn’t really tell while we were there. Then we came back to Michigan and got a much stronger effect.

Here’s a shot from the same time of day but on Tuesday rather than Saturday, and it’s more how it should look.

image of a sunset on the beach at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

We had our usual array of activities during the week:

Tie-dye T-shirts

image of someone tie dyeing a T shirt


image of someone painting a craft at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

And a shuffleboard tournament

image of shuffleboard at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

My team did not win the tournament, in case you’re wondering.

Maranatha has a weekly event of the Staff vs. Guests Basketball Game. Our kids have never played on a basketball team, but they have been known to shoot baskets in our driveway setup. For some reason this year, both Alpha and Beta decided to join the game. Guests were ahead for a bit in the first half, but ended up losing by about 9 points.

image of the staff versus guests basketball game at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

And we always participate in the sandcastle competition. We had no good ideas this year, so we went with spray cheese.

image of sand sculpture of a spray can of easy cheese at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

image of sand sculpture of a spray can of easy cheese at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

We did not win first place this time.

A new thing this year was they had one day for a food truck to come in for lunch. Chick-fil-A. Gamma and Delta wanted to try it. I agreed, because we were on vacation. But if they want to do it next year they’ll have to pay for it themselves.

image of sand sculpture of a spray can of easy cheese at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference in Norton Shores

But overall, everyone had a good week. There was only a small amount of sunburn.

Our morning speaker for the week was Karl Clausen, mostly known for hosting a show on Moody Radio. He has lived a very interesting life, and thus has a variety of interesting stories to tell.

I can’t remember if it was him or the evening speaker (Dr. Winfred Neely), but there were two quotes from that week that I remember. One is “Don’t just GO to church – you are to BE the church”. The other one is “There is no inherent merit in poverty.”

The End

He opened the shaft of the abyss, and smoke ascended out of the shaft like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened from the smoke of the shaft.

Revelation 9:2

Summer Break 2023, Part 2

This is the second of a two-part series. You can also read about the first part of our trip to Canada here.

Day 4:
This was a half travel day. We got up, finished as much of the leftover dumplings as we could for breakfast, packed up, and headed west. I wanted to drive a bit before filling up on gas. Good thing I did, because there was a noticeable price drop once we crossed from Quebec into Ontario.

Nothing too much eventful, just driving along the freeway. Our goal, because we were going to get to Toronto before the rental place said we could check-in, was to go to the St. Lawrence Market and pick up some more fresh food.

However, as we got closer, Some Wife wanted to check something, so she went to their website and discovered that they are closed on Mondays. So over to Plan B, which is ask for an early check-in. They never did respond, so we just parked at the place and walked along the waterfront for a couple blocks. Our place was only a couple blocks from the waterfront, so that killed the 45 minutes or so that we needed.

The place was just what I was hoping for. We were up in a high-rise, the type of place we don’t have around here and thus the kids haven’t really experienced.

So here’s what part of it looked like.

image of a bedroom in a hi-rise apartment

And here’s the view out the window. Yes, it had balconies if you didn’t mind being 400 feet above the ground with a thin railing and sheet of plexiglas to keep you and other things from falling.

image of the view from a hi-rise apartment

And here’s the place itself. We were a couple floors above the bridge thingy.

image of a hi-rise in Toronto

Our plans were somewhat in flux, but it was nice weather, with not the best forecast for the next couple days, so we decided to go out to the Toronto Islands right after dinner.

Even though I’ve been to Toronto before, I was not familiar with the islands until this trip. They are a nice place, highly recommend.

It was a walk of about 10 blocks to get to the ferry station. A long walk, but we noticed that Toronto has a streetcar system, so I suggested we could ride that on the way back. The ferry runs once an hour, so we had to wait a bit at the station for the next ferry.

We rode over, getting a nice view of the skyline from the water, then made our way to the far side of Centre Island, because that’s where the beach is.

image of swimming in Lake Ontario at the Centre Island beach

The Toronto Islands are a great place, I wish we had more than 1 hour there. But if we didn’t catch the 9:00 ferry back we’d be stuck on the island until the 10:00 ferry, and we did not want that.

But I did get a chance to go to the shore on the close side of the island, where there is no beach, to get a shot of the Toronto skyline, which is one of the more iconic skylines out there.

picture of the Toronto skyline from Centre Island

As it was, the 9:00 ferry was late. All the families that wanted to get back before dark were waiting in the line, and people seemed to be either worried (are we going to get home today?) or impatient (come on, let’s go already). My favorite was the family that looked to be from India, but not much of an accent so probably 2nd generation. They had young kids, and they passed the time by singing “Oh where is the ferry” to the tune of the hairbrush song. Very catchy.

The ferry finally arrived, and we headed back. The Toronto transit authority website said that you could buy a single-use streetcar pass at any station, and there was a station a block from the ferry landing, so it should have been perfect.

But the streetcar station did not have a kiosk for buying tickets. Only some main stations have them. So it was late, people were tired, and we had to walk the 10 blocks back. But it let us get this nice shot of the CN Tower.

image of the CN Tower lit up at night

Then it was evening, then morning, the next day.

Day 5:
This was to be our main sightseeing day for Toronto. First up, the hockey hall of fame.

We drove there, and parked in a lot close to that and our lunch destination (the St. Lawrence market that we tried to visit on Monday).

Be warned, they stamp your hand when you enter, so you can leave and come back later that day if you wanted. But the ink they use is some weird non-drying ink. Mine was still wet after 20 minutes. Gamma had fun with his wet ink and gave me another stamp on my forearm once he figured out it could transfer because it was still wet. He also ended up with half a stamp on his cheek. And I had to be very careful with mine because I was wearing light-colored khaki shorts. I did end up getting a little bit on my pocket, but it was mostly inside the pocket so no real harm done.

image of Red Wings display at the hockey hall of fame

The HHoF was well done, and had some interesting things even for those not so interested in hockey. Like the masks.

image of hockey mask display at the hockey hall of fame

And if you are an older hockey afficianado, you’ll appreciate that a certain hockey puck was enshrined in the hall of fame.

image of the FoxTrax hockey puck

And of course there is the Stanley Cup.

image of the Stanley Cup on display

The cup is kept in a building that used to be a bank, and it was a fancy old bank. The outside still looks like a classic bank, and they kept the inside fancy too.

image of the display room for the Stanley Cup

After that we walked a couple blocks over to the market. There was a nice park in between, with some sculptures.

image of a kid high-fiving a sculpture of a giant hand

The St. Lawrence market was packed. Lots of meats and breads for purchase, plus a variety of places selling meals. We could barely find a place to sit. These types of markets are great, because of the variety and people can chose different foods. But with younger kids, it’s a mess because there is choice overload, and some do not like making decisions when hungry.

But we eventually all got something to eat, and it was pretty good food. Then we bought some things to take with us, including some souvenirs from the souvenir shop downstairs.

Then back to the van and back to the apartment.

The afternoon consisted of nothing. Just relaxing in the apartment – reading, napping, playing Legend of Zelda, etc.

After dinner, which we made in the sparse kitchen, the weather was good enough that we could go to the CN Tower. So we did.

So we went up into the tower, and the clouds provided some enhancement to the view.

image of the view from the CN Tower over Toronto

But we probably spent most of our time watching the roof of the Rogers Centre finish opening, and then seeing part of the first inning of the Blue Jays game.

image of the view into the Rogers Centre from the CN Tower

Hint: you can see the players moving, including the pitcher winding up, but you can’t see the ball itself.

After we were done in the tower, I wanted to check out the old railyard right across the road.

image of the old rail yard in Toronto

It had some stuff, but the kids were done and wanted to get back, so we only spent a couple minutes looking at things. Plus we’ve visited the rail yard in Greenfield Village, so this was not a novel thing to see.

A short walk back to the apartment, then it was evening, then morning the next day.

Day 6:
Our last day, with two main events: 1. visiting the Royal Ontario Museum and 2. Going home

First up, the ROM. We packed up and headed out after breakfast. The ROM is basically a natural history museum – exhibits on birds and animals and plants and people.

We haven’t gone to a museum like this with the kids before, so it was interesting. Now they can appreciate a movie like Night at the Museum a little more.

image of a dinosaur at the Royal Ontario Museum

And they had fancy displays, with things you couldn’t touch.

image of an old Roman archway at the Royal Ontario Museum

Then we were done, and ready to leave Toronto.

image of people leaving the Royal Ontario Musem in Toronto

We loaded up in the van and drove about 40 minutes to a Chinese buffet. If you’re ever in Etobicoke, I recommend the Mandarin restaurant. Make reservations though, otherwise you’ll have to wait for a bit like we did.

They had a large variety of things, and most of it was yummy. Like multiple dessert tables, and several scoop-it-yourself ice cream tubs. And standard Chinese buffet stuff, plus a sushi guy, plus pizza and spaghetti and salads.

Don’t order the lemonade though. It was some carbonated thing, and my kids are not fans of carbonation.

Then 5 hours of driving (with stops) plus 1 hour of waiting in the border crossing line, and we made it back. It’s always fun to hear the border guard say “Welcome home.”

The End.

And they said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let’s make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of all the earth.”

Genesis 11:4

Summer Break 2023, Part 1

Our vacation plan this year was to go to Canada, as you may recall from my earlier post about things I learned in Canada. Now here’s a recap of what we did, rather than learned, in Canada.

Day 1:
This was a travel day, basically driving 9-6. I like to travel different ways to and from vacation destinations, so to get from Detroit to Montreal I went south of the Great Lakes. A full day’s drive got us to Syracuse, NY. Not much there, other than dinner and sleeping at the hotel.

For those who like seafood, I suggest visiting the Clam Bar in Syracuse. We went there, and it’s not what I’d call a classy place. It’s a classic bar, with a full menu. Some Wife chose it because they bring in fresh seafood daily. The food was good, and plentiful.

image of a plate of seafood

Oh, on the way to Syracuse we had to go through Cleveland. We ended up there around lunch time, so we stopped at a park to have a picnic. Some Wife also chose this stop, called Squire’s Castle.

image of a squire's castle

It’s just for show. It used to be someone’s residence, but now it’s an empty shell. Still, it’s fun because it’s open for people to wander through. And the grounds are expansive, plenty of place to picnic and throw a Frisbee.

So lunch in Cleveland, then dinner and hotel in Syracuse. We didn’t get to see much of Syracuse. Gamma was hoping to see the downtown skyline, but we were actually in Liverpool – outside Syracuse – and our drive never involved going into Syracuse.

Then it was evening, then morning, the next day.

Day 2:
This was mostly a travel day. Breakfast at the hotel, then drive to Canada. We went over at the Thousand Islands crossing, and it was a fairly simple affair. We had passports for me and the wife, drivers licenses for Alpha and Beta, and birth certificates for Gamma and Delta. Just a couple questions from the Canadian border guard, and we were in.

Here’s a photo of the river at the Thousand Islands area, just before the border crossing.

image of the bridge over the Thousand Islands section of New York and Quebec

We drove for a bit, then stopped by a Real Canadian Superstore, which was right next to a Walmart. In case the border guard was having a bad day, I didn’t want him to be able to nitpick on any food we had with us, so our plan was to go into Canada with a minimal amount of food, then stock up for the week before we arrived at the rental house. We did have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, plus chips and some grapes – that was our lunch we ate in the car just after the border.

Anyway, we got to the RCS and we had fun looking at various Canadian products, all sorts of brands we don’t get at home. Plus some we do have at home, they just look different.

image of box of Honey Nut Cheerios in French

This is also where we got the bag of milk. And when we got to the checkout line, with enough food to feed a family of 6 for four days, we realized that they do not provide bags for you at all. So we paid $1 for 3 re-usable bags to stuff most of the things in. They’re cheaply made, but we still have them and I’m trying to get my money’s worth out of them.

Another drive, for maybe 1.5 hours, and we got to the province of Quebec. It was easy to tell when that happened, because the road signs were French only, instead of English and French. But we had been observing the bilingual road signs for long enough at that point that we could handle no English.

image of a stop sign in French

Then another hour or so and we arrived at our rental house. Here is the street it was on, a nice neighborhood. This is looking out from the place.

image of a street in the Montreal area, with townhouses in a row

We unpacked, setup the kitchen, relaxed for a little bit, then made dinner, and then headed out to our first tourist stop in Montreal – Mount Royal.

Mount Royal is a tall hill kind of in the middle of the island of Montreal. Fun fact – Montreal got its name from a pronunciation of “Mount Royal”.

Our destination was Mount Royal Park, specifically the chalet, as it has a plaza that overlooks the city.

image of the plaza at the Mount Royal Chalet

image of the city of Montreal as seen from Mount Royal park

And then, because we didn’t have any other plans for the evening and because I paid to park for 1.5 hours and we spent only 20 minutes so far, we went on a little hike. There are plenty of paths throughout the park, and there were plenty of other people walking, running (ambitious, since there’s a lot of elevation change there), and biking.

image of people hiking at Mount Royal park

The hike was a good change from sitting in the van all day. After that, we went back to the rental house and I read a bit before bed.

Then it was evening, then morning, the next day.

Day 3:
This was the day to walk around downtown Montreal. We drove into the city, and the parking garage I had picked out was closed, so we had to go to plan B, which was to park at King Edward Quay.

The plan was to walk through the piers, then walk by the Notre Dame Basilica, then grab lunch at the Underground City. Then figure out what we wanted to do after that, maybe something downtown would be of interest once we came across it.

So we parked at the quay. Here’s the view from there looking north to the Vieux Port.

image of Old Port of Montreal

It was pretty hazy, due to the wildfires in our host country.

And if we looked east, we could see the biosphere, which we didn’t know what it was at the time, just that it was an impressively large object.

image of the Montreal biosphere

Downtown was a nice place to walk, it reminded me more of Europe than of North America.

image of downtown Montreal

Once you saw the Ferris wheel and the zip lines, there actually wasn’t much to the pier. There were plenty of people out and about, but maybe they were mostly shopping?

Then we headed up a couple blocks to the cathedral.

image of Notre Dame of Montreal

As it was a Sunday, and it’s a functioning church (services in French), we didn’t go in to see what it looked like.

Then it was over to the Underground City, and that is where things started to go bad. You see, I had seen the promotional literature and pictured it as a nice big place, like a giant mall. Here’s an excerpt from

Explore Montréal’s famed Underground City as you shop: this pedestrian network right under the heart of the city links metro stations to shopping plazas for over 33 kilometres (about 20.5 miles). It’s a lifesaver when you want to stroll, shop and eat away from the hot blazing sun or the freezing snow, but it’s also a go-to destination for the whole family anytime. It opens up a world of entertainment.

In reality, you just go to the places that are worth it aboveground. The “underground city” is really just a subway system but without the trains – you walk through tunnels, and the maps are confusing. We wandered around for a while, got lost, and thus our lunchtime got pushed back and back, making people unhappy. We gave up and walked on the normal not-underground sidewalks to the Eaton Centre and had lunch at the Time Out Market. That was a good place – it’s a giant food court with a dozen or so restaurants of all different styles.

Lunch really helped. Now everyone could manage the walk back to the van. We swung by a couple stores on our way out, including a Dollarama, but that was it for Montreal. No one wanted to do anything else, so we headed back mid afternoon and had some down time until dinner.

Then it came time for dinner. There were no solid dinner plans. The house was walking distance from some shops and restaurants, so we picked a restaurant that looked to have a decent variety of things (plus poutine) and we headed there. Foreshadowing – it was called a pub & grill. On our way there, we passed a Chinese place. Alpha decided he’d rather have dumplings than pub food, so he and Some Wife (because she had money) dropped off to eat there. I took the other 3 kids to the pub and grill, and as you may have already read, we got kicked out, so we headed back to the Chinese place and we all got dumplings. Except for Delta, who got basically chicken tenders.

image of a serving of dumplings from Meiwei

Then we walked back to the house, and it was evening, then morning the next day.

To Be Continued…

And he purchased the hill Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver; and he built on the hill, and named the city which he built Samaria, after the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill.

1 Kings 16:24

When in Canada

We just got back from a family vacation to Canada, visiting Montreal and Toronto. Due to our family size, we stayed in rental places for a couple days each. In our vacations, we usually end up doing that because most hotels don’t like to accommodate a family of 6. And in general we use both VRBO and Airbnb. Just watch out for the cleaning/service/security fees.

Anyway, here are some things I noticed or learned in visiting our neighbors to the north. If we had visited Windsor, that would have been our neighbors to the south.

  • Canadians drive just under the punishment, not the speed limit. Like most places, the freeways there have a posted speed limit, usually 100 kph. But they also have other signs, more like billboards, that list the punishment for speeding: 120 kph is $X, 130 kph is $Y, and 140 kph is $Z. And another one that said 20 over is 2 points, 30 over is 3 points, etc. It seemed to me that the punishment for speeding didn’t start until 120 kph, even though the limit was officially 100. Because everyone was driving about 118 kph.
  • Toronto has the worst traffic of anywhere that I remember driving If you though Canadians were nice and friendly, try driving in Toronto. Chicago has bad traffic, but it’s bad in that it’s just clogged and slow. New York has aggressive drivers, but Toronto seemed ruder and more of a get-ahead-at-all-costs attitude.
  • Canadians don’t like locking their bathroom doors. In the places we stayed, there were a total of 5 bathroom doors. Only one of them had a lock.
  • The toilets were very low. I’m sure families with small children would appreciate that, but we’re out of that stage now and would like adult-size toilets. Everything else about them seemed normal, I don’t know if that’s the style in Canada.
  • Not since our trip to Seattle have I been exposed to so much marijuana. Oh, and the college football game I attended two years ago. The public square in Montreal would have been nice to linger in, but I was worried about second-hand effects. We were in Canada during some of the time when the air quality alerts were active due to the wildfires up north. But the wildfire smoke was negligible compared to the weed. Toronto was even worse, as there was a cannabis store just about every block whenever we walked anywhere.
  • In Canada, milk comes in bags. We went grocery shopping the first day. Normally we pack a bunch of food and then buy some more, but to avoid any complications crossing the border, we brought as little food with us as possible, so we had to buy a bunch in Canada. We bought a bag of milk, and it was always very awkward trying to store and pour a floppy bag. I still don’t know how you’re supposed to do it.
  • If a place says “bar and grill” or “pub and grill” then don’t take the kids. All the places in the USA that say “bar and grill” means there’s a resturant with a bar area. Anyone can go in the restaurant area but only adults in the bar area. Canada must have different rules, because they did not let us in. We chose it because it was the only place where we were staying that had poutine on the menu. So we went without on this trip.
  • Stores don’t give you plastic bags at checkout. At both the grocery store and the dollar store, we had to buy the reusable bags to be able to carry our stuff. On the plus side, we have some cheap bags at home we can use for whatever now. One says “Dollarama” on it and the rest say “Real Canadian Superstore”.

Then He called out to me and spoke to me, saying, “See, those who are going to the land of the north have appeased My wrath in the land of the north.”

Zechariah 6:8