Archive for June 16th, 2008

I’ve Got Roots Growing Down to the Water

“This is the song that my tree friend sang to me.”

I was driving home this evening and noticed that there was a tape in the tape deck of my car stereo. My Buick has both CD and tape (and AM/FM), and I knew which CD was in the CD part of the radio. But I did not know what tape was in there. I could not remember putting a tape in there. I ejected it and tried to read the song titles, but the print was small and I couldn’t read the titles very well. Nothing was familiar, and I figured the opposing traffic would appreciate it if I paid attention to the road and not the tape.

I caught the artist’s name and put the tape back in. It was an Evie tape. Now I had to listen to it. I started playing it and it was in the middle of a song. My son dislikes when songs start anywhere other than their beginning, so we had to rewind it. Before tonight, if you had asked me to name an Evie song, I would have been able to name only “Come on Ring Those Bells”. I believe that is true for most people who know who Evie is. For those who care, her last name was Tornquist during her early recording years, then she married and is now a Karlsson.

Now, after listening to the first few songs on that tape, I know other Evie songs. I knew the songs before, but I did not know they were Evie. For example, “Step Into The Sunshine” and the Tree Song referenced at the beginning of this post. They bring back good memories. How can anyone not like Evie? In case you’re wondering, my wife had the tape and put it in there on one of the rare times that she drove my car.

“Let the field exult, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy”
– Psalm 96:12