Archive for February 22nd, 2011

Employees Please

Last week, I was in an area store. I was with some of the family, and they wanted me to buy some things. In general, I like to please people. And if those people are my offspring, then I definitely want them to be happy.

But while we were walking through the store, discussing what I could buy to please them, I noticed that pleasing my family was forbidden.

photo of sign saying to Please Employees Only

If that’s not what the store meant, then that’s a bad sign. Perhaps they could use some punctuation. Or perhaps they could use complete sentences, but that also would require punctuation.

There are a number of ways they could have written that sign better:

  • Please, employees only
  • Employees only, please
  • For employees only
  • If you are not employed here, do not use this ladder

Now all the people took note of it, and it pleased them, just as everything the king did pleased all the people.

2 Samuel 3:36