Archive for September 15th, 2011

Bluegrass Vacation: Episode 1

Not bluegrass the music – bluegrass the state. We took a few days to go to Kentucky.

It’s about a 5 hour drive, but with a 2-month-old and a 2-year-old we couldn’t just drive straight there. So we left the house around 10:00am and got to our destination at 7:00pm – a total of 9 hours for a 5 hour drive.

Our first stop was at a rest area for lunch. That didn’t take too long, maybe 30-40 minutes.

photo of people eating a picnic at a rest stop

It was a decent rest stop, and the kids enjoyed both the lunch and the time to run around.

photo of food at a picnic

They kicked a soccer ball around, and they followed a fuzzy green caterpillar.
