Crisis News Now
Although I haven’t obtained it yet, I’m thinking there must be a template for disaster news stories.
Think of it as Mad Libs for reporters.
Picture a TV reporter, covering a news story in the field. “Field” as in “not the studio”, not “field” as in “farm”.
Another _____ has struck the area. Damage was minimal, but residents aren’t taking any chances.
Are there really more _____ occurring, or just more reported because of today’s ease of communication?
Dr. _____, an expert in the field of _____, said “We have seen a slight increase in these cases over the last _____ years, but it hasn’t been enough to classify as a trend. We’ll have to keep observing.”
Stay tuned to action news _____ for important updates on this story.
Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a deceiving spirit in the mouth of these your prophets, for the LORD has proclaimed disaster against you.
2 Chronicles 18:22