Archive for 2011

Football Winner Guesser Results – 2010

It is time once again to update Some Blog Site readers on the results of my Some Fun Site project to create a more accurate football prediction method.

The 2010 NFL season is over, and here are the most accurate methods for predicting regular-season game results:

  • ITP: 59%
  • MPW: 59%
  • MPWLS: 59%
  • That’s right – it was a three-way tie for first place. For the ideas behind the methods, please visit the Some Fun Site page.
    My methods were not as superior as they were last year, but they were still in first place (even if it was a tie).

    For because of your trust in your own achievements and treasures,Even you yourself will be captured;And Chemosh will go off into exile Together with his priests and his princes.

    Jeremiah 48:7

    Icy Electricity

    We were looking at a foreclosed home the other weekend (no, we’re not moving – we were just providing moral support for someone else who is). One of the main problems with foreclosed houses is that the former occupants are often disgruntled and take out their lack of gruntleness on the house itself. Sometimes by destroying things, something by taking whatever they can.

    In this case, I’m not sure which case it was, but the end result is that there was no downspout for the gutter:

    picture of a gutter without a downspout


    Waste of Space

    Consumer Reports has their “waste of packaging” award. In that spirit, I present to you the biggest waste of space we encountered over Christmas.

    The Sea Monsters kit looks promising, especially to a 4- or 5-year-old boy.

    picture of the outside of the Smithsonian Science Kit Sea Monsters

    But an adult who opens the box is immediately unimpressed.

    picture of the inside of the Smithsonian Science Kit Sea Monsters

    At least the bags of chips have a plausible reason for their half-filled packaging – settling may occur and chips are fragile so a buffer is needed. For this box, there is no settling and the contents do not need a buffer.

    One is so near to another That no air can come between them.

    Job 41:16

    Husbands and Wives: Preventing Injuries

    Welcome back to another edition of Husbands and Wives. In today’s episode, we will explore how each party handles children who are at risk of injury.

    Case #1: The Bunk Bed

    Parent A: “The kids are jumping off the top bunk and landing on the mattress on the floor.”
    Parent B: “Yeah, I told them no flips.”

    Question: Which parent (A or B) is the husband and which is the wife?

    Case #2: The Swingset

    The scene: a playground. The dilemma: a child is swinging on the swingset and is contemplating an airborne exit. Both parents yell something to the child at the same time.
    Parent A: “Don’t jump off!”
    Parent B: “Land on your feet!”

    Question: Which parent (A or B) is the husband and which is the wife?

    Okay, we’re out of time for today. Remember to tune in next time to Some Blog Site for more Husbands and Wives!

    He who is at ease holds calamity in contempt,As prepared for those whose feet slip.

    Job 12:5

    Fat Wallet Diet

    I don’t throw things away, which means my wallet just accumulates stuff. Not money, of course – that never stays in the wallet very long – but cards of various kinds.

    photo of all the cards in my wallet

    My wallet was getting overweight – a little bulge around the middle. It needed to get a little more trim, so I put it on a low-card diet. That Dr. Atkins knew what he was talking about – cut some of the cards out of the wallet and its girth shrunk in half.

    Cards in my Wallet Before and After:

    photo of all the cards in my wallet

    photo of reduced number of cards in my wallet

    What? He said “low-carb diet”?

    Oh well, my wallet’s doing fine now, but I’ll keep it away from carbs too, I suppose.

    In case you’re wondering: 3 expired credit cards, expired zoo membership card, old Blockbuster card, old AAA membership card, some business cards, and phone cards (2 pre-paid (mostly used up), 1 account-type thingy).

    Now it came about as they were emptying their sacks, that behold, every man’s bundle of money was in his sack; and when they and their father saw their bundles of money, they were dismayed.

    Genesis 42:35

    Second Hockey Game

    Since Beta enjoyed last season’s hockey game so much, we scheduled another one for this year.


    First off, parking was a hassle. It was very easy to get lost. Just look at this poor guy:

    picture of a car driving on the hockey rink

    And if not being able to find a parking spot wasn’t bad enough, people added insult to injury by throwing hockey pucks at the guy.

    picture of a car driving on the hockey rink


    Snow Shields

    Here’s another winter weather update.

    Pulling Sleds

    picture of the outside of Shedd Aquarium next to Lake MichiganThe boys love playing outside in the snow. Sometimes they sled by themselves; sometimes I pull them.

    The other day we were outside and we watched the neighbor get out his 4-wheeler and use that to pull the kids’ sleds around. That seems like cheating, if you ask me, but it also seems like more fun.

    Snow Pile

    I normally try to pile all the snow in one area. That way, there’s a nice hill for the kids to play on and in. We also normally try to hollow out the hill to make a cave, which the boys are calling an igloo.