Archive for July, 2013

Church Name Quiz

It was around this time a few years ago that I sent my first guest post submission to Jon Acuff. I titled it “Classifying Church Names”. Jon was positive in his email reply, but it never was published. After about 40 months of waiting for it appear on Stuff Christians Like, I am giving up on it and am publishing it here for you, dear reader. Enjoy!

When looking for a church, they key element to get right is the name. After all, a good name is to be more desired than great riches. But what makes a name good? As with many issues within Christianity, there are two camps on church names: descriptive or aesthetic.

The descriptive names include either the denomination or part of the doctrinal statement (or both). Some people say that the descriptive church names are bland and restrictive, but at least you know what you are getting when you go there.

And you know it’s a church. You don’t see businesses with traditional church names, like “Calvin Reformed Flower Shop” (specials on tulips!) or “Freewill Baptist Golf Course” (so that’s why the ball never goes where I want it to go…)

The aesthetic names include either a geologic feature or a direction (or both). But sometimes you need to do a little research before visiting the aesthetically-named church, in order to find out what kind of church it is and, more importantly, if it is a church. To help SCL readers hone their church-detecting skills, I present:

The Church Name Quiz

I took a sampling of names in my local area. For each name given below: what type of establishment is it?

1. Oak Pointe
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall

2. NorthRidge
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall

3. North Point
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall

4. The Father’s House
A. Church
B. Rehab center
C. Restaurant
D. Bookstore

5. Stillwater
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall

6. Woodside
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall

7. Brookside
A. Church
B. Subdivision
C. Restaurant
D. Mall


Team Ricky is OK

Ricky assembled a team of bloggers to compete against the team of bloggers that Rob picked.

The official competition is at Rob’s site, but don’t forget to visit Ricky’s post about our team.

Here is my description of the teams, based on a current movie which applies quite nicely to this situation (for those unfamiliar with Monsters University, Roar Omega Roar is the fraternity for the assumed winners, Oozma Kappa is the fraternity for the underdogs).

Team Rob is Roar Omega Roar:

picture of Roar Omega Roar from Monsters University but with member of Team Rob's names

  • Johnny Worthington = Rob.
    He’s the ringleader, so that’s an obvious choice.
  • Javier Rios = Jon Acuff.
    He looks like he wants to punch fear in the face.
  • Reggie Jacobs = Stephen Haggerty.
    He’s the hairiest of the crew.
  • Chip Goff = Knox McCoy.
    He’s the second-hairiest of the crew.
  • Chet Alexander = Carlos Whittaker.
    He has bigger arms than the other guys.
  • Randall Boggs = Wes Molebash.
    Process of elimination.

Team Ricky is Oozma Kappa:

picture of Oozma Kappa from Monsters University but with member of Team Ricky's names

  • Mike Wazowski = Ricky.
    He’s the ringleader, so that’s an obvious choice.
  • Terri and Terry Perry = Bunmi Laditan.
    Is our team member Bunmi Laditan or Honest Toddler? Those two heads count as one for this team.
  • Don Carlton = Daniel Carman.
    The names are close enough, I think.
  • Art = Jan Moyer.
    Both fit in well in the kindergarten scene.
  • Sully = Bryan Logan.
    The hairiest member of the team.
  • Squishy = Some Guy.
    Process of elimination.
    No, seriously.

Go vote for OK! I mean, Team Ricky!

(And fellow team members, let me know if I assigned you the wrong person. Whom would you rather be?)

If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?

Jeremiah 12:5