Archive for December, 2014

Smoked Salmon

I got this smoked salmon recipe from a guy at work. It has worked well for me.

First, photos from my attempt. Scroll to the end for just the recipe.

You need:

a bag of salmon

To make your life easier, choose the center-cut fillets. Do this because they are about the same thickness, so they will all cook for the same time. If you get a standard fish, the sides and end are much thinner than the center. Grilling that piece of fish will cause the thin parts to be overdone or you’ll have to cut the thin pieces separate and take them off earlier than the thicker parts, which is more work for you.

brown sugar, salt, and pepper

boxes and bags of salt, brown sugar, and black pepper


Fa La La La La

It’s time of year for Christmas carols and such. That much makes sense.

For some unknown reason, it is also the time of year for The Sound of Music. Nothing against the musical itself – I just think it should be independent of any season.

But, since Christmas carols and The Sound of Music share the holiday season, I thought I would combine the two.

First off: a review. What are the notes of the scale, as learned in the musical?

Answer: do re mi fa so la ti do

Next question: what are the notes sung in Deck the Halls?

the traditional words and notes for Deck the Halls: Fa La La La La La La La La

But that’s not right – la is a single note. This song has la for different notes.

If Fraulein Maria is right, then the song would sound like this:

the traditional words and but constant notes for Deck the Halls: Fa La La La La La La La La

Or, to keep the sound the same, we could change the words to this:

the traditional notes for Deck the Halls but new words: Fa So La Fa So Fa Mi Re Mi

(I took the liberty of ignoring the actual notes and just started with Fa. In other words, the starting assumption was that the first word Fa in Deck the Halls is the same Fa from Sound of Music.)

It’s awkward to sing at first, but practice a few times and you’ll get it.

Fa So La Fa So Fa Mi Re Mi

Still not as easy as Do Mi Mi, Mi So So

Anyway, try singing the updated lyrics this Christmastime and see what happens.

Now write down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness for me against them.

Deuteronomy 31:19