Radio Ad Suggestion
Radio advertisers need to spell out website names, especially if they contain a name or word with homonyms. Like duel/dual. Or Catherine / Katherine.
Or a store name that isn’t common and people could guess wrong. Like Hods. Or is it Haads? Or Hahds?
Numbers too. Spell them out if they are spelled. If the domain name does contain numerals, tell us that. Don’t just not spell them. For example: ” …, the number 4, and …”
Radio spots are the hardest advertising medium to make an impression and convey information that people will remember. If all those commuters don’t know how to spell your website, how will they get to it? Will they even bother if they think they don’t know what it is?
On the other hand, maybe the advertisers are doing it on purpose. By having it slightly unclear, they are forcing the listeners to think about their ad. That would create a more lasting impression than a typical ad that is consumed without thought.
For You have kept their heart from understanding,
Therefore You will not exalt them.
Job 17:4