Archive for April 16th, 2015

Family Conversations, Part 24

The scene: I see Gamma is drinking a cup of something.
Me : Is that coffee?
Gamma : I don’t have coffee – I’m not a grandpa!

The scene: I have just returned from running.
Gamma, to me : You stink – you’re all sweaty.
Gamma, loudly : Everybody get your nose shields!

The scene: Everyone is buckled in the minivan and I’m driving.
Beta : I’m going to Dairy Queen! Who’s with me?

Picture it like he’s William Wallace.

The scene: We watched Disney’s The Aristocats the day before.
Delta : Why does everybody want to be a cat?
Me : Because a cat’s the only cat who knows where it’s at.
Delta : Do dogs know where they’re at?
Me : Not as well as cats do.

And sometimes not at all.

The scene: I catch Beta wearing boots inside the house.
Me : Don’t wear your boots in the house!
Beta : It’s okay then – they’re not mine.

Okay, don’t wear anyone’s boots in the house.

Delta : Why did the turkey cross the road?
Gamma : Because the chicken was on vacation.
Delta : No, because the tornado was going to blow him up!

King Solomon made 200 large shields of beaten gold, using 600 shekels of beaten gold on each large shield.

2 Chronicles 9:15