Archive for June 2nd, 2015

Microsoft -ync

A while back, Microsoft partnered with Ford to create their Sync platform.

Recently, the computer people at work added Microsoft Lync to all our computers.

I’m beginning to see a trend here. I think the Microsoft naming department might be staffed by the same people who have been creating spelling variations for baby girl names – just find an existing word and replace the letter “i” with the letter “y” and you’re good.

I thought I’d propose some new product names for Microsoft. I’m not sure there will be much of a market for each of these products, but that’s their problem.

  • Microsoft Blync – not sure what this does, but it involves closing both of your eyes quickly.
  • Microsoft Clync – their version of a jail.
  • Microsoft Drync – in case you’re thirsty.
  • Microsoft Jynx – if two people use this product at the same time, it locks up until you contact customer support.
  • Microsoft Mync – their version of faux fur.
  • Microsoft Pync – in case they invent a bright new color
  • Microsoft Rync – where their hockey team plays, of course.
  • Microsoft Stync – perfume?
  • Microsoft Thync – mind-control device. No, not for controlling your mind – for you to use your mind to control other things.
  • Microsoft Wync – the half-price version of Blync.
  • Microsoft Zync – their proprietary metal alloy.

Any other product name suggestions? Or better uses for or descriptions of these names?

Dead flies make a perfumer’s oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor.

Ecclesiastes 10:1