Family Conversations, Part 25
The scene: Gamma is looking at a book cover.
Gamma : Is she a mutant?
Me : No she’s a girl. Twelve. No wait. Thirteen. She just had a birthday.
Gamma : What’s a mutant?
Me : Someone who has changed.
Gamma : So she’s a mutant?
Me : No she’s a girl.
Gamma : She’s a teenager.
Me : I suppose she is a mutant.
We’ll have some mutants in our house in a few years.
Me : Don’t throw things down the stairs!
Delta : That was Gamma.
Me : No it wasn’t – it was a marble.
Gotta teach these kids at an early age the value of humor.
Gamma, singing : Puff the magic dragon lived in Galilee.
Gamma : Do snapdragons like to bite bad guys?
I think too much Mario has him overestimating the abilities of flowers.
Other student : if I caught on fire I’d probably run around crazy.
Me : No, you’re supposed to stop drop and roll
Beta : Just don’t roll in a pile of dry leaves
Good point.
Delta : Is a lemon an animal?
Me : No, it’s a fruit
Delta : But chicken is an animal
Me : Yes
Delta : Do lemons have two legs?
Me : Nope, lemons do not have legs.
Delta, showing me his drawing : This is an underwater gas tank it’s burning up with fire. Because it’s the bad guy underwater gas tank.
Bad guys are a popular topic amongst the 3-6 year-old set.
Having said these things to them, He stayed in Galilee.
John 7:9