Archive for June 23rd, 2015

Parking Spots

Here is a diagram of the general idea of a parking lot – lines for cars to park in, arranged nicely in rows and such.

image of a typical parking lot

As you see, in this town, only red cars are available.

But some of the cars are nicer, fancier cars. And the owners know that if they park close to other cars, their cars might get scratched or dented. So they park far away from others.

image of a typical parking lot with fancy cars parked at odd angles

I don’t mind if people do that. As long as they don’t take spots close to the store, they can straddle multiple spots.

But, that is renegade behavior. They must stay within the lines.

How about we update the lines to accommodate people who care about their vehicles?

image of a parking lot with wider parking for expensive cars

There, now they can stay within the lines and protect their cars.

And, if you’re the sort who is annoyed when the fancy cars are parked across two spots, this arrangement should reduce your blood pressure too.

It’s a win-win situation!

Except for the maximum capacity of the parking lot. But if the lot is completely full, you don’t want to go to the store at that time anyway. Come back later when it is less full.

Behold, I would wander far away,
I would lodge in the wilderness.

Psalm 55:7