A Fine Library
I’m finally back to a zero balance at the library. We had overdue books since April.
They weren’t accumulating fines since April. As soon as I realized they were overdue, we renewed the check-out to stop the fines.
The fine was $11. And it cost $4 to pay to replace the book if you give up and say it’s lost. But the library is generous in that whatever you pay to replace the book is applied to the fine.
But along the way, other books came and went and accrued fines. Here’s a tip: if you let a 3-year-old check out books on your account, don’t let them out of your sight. He will set them down somewhere and then promptly forget where.
So the total was $17 today, and we are the proud owners of two small books.
… if we can find them.
And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’
Luke 15:9