Archive for February 25th, 2016

First Churches

In our town, we have a number of first churches – First Baptist, First Presbyterian, First Methodist, etc.

I understand the history of how that happened. Across the US, it’s a fairly common occurence.

But is it right?

I mean according to the Bible. In theory, these churches should want to follow the Bible, right?

And what does the Bible say about being first? Are Christians supposed to want to be first?

How about naming your church the Last Baptist Church? Wouldn’t that be more Christian?

Or maybe your church doesn’t care about that. Maybe it just wants to follow secular marketing principals. In that case, in order to stand out from the crowd of all the other First Presbyterian Churches, use the name Best Presbyterian Church. Not only is it different from the usual names, it is also promotional. And it is alphabetically earlier than all those First churches.

So the last shall be first, and the first last.

Matthew 20:16