Archive for April 14th, 2016

Credit Card Tips

Related to my Trip Booking Tips on credit cards: I thought I’d let you know my credit card strategy for life in general.

I have multiple credit cards. Not too many, but enough to spread the risk around. Or rather keep the damage limited if something does happen.

I have one credit card that I use for swiping at physical locations (grocery store, gas stations, etc.) The problem is reduced by the new chip cards, but there are still plenty of opportunities for skimmers to steal my information from swipe machines. Which means that I don’t use this card for other things, especially recurring charges.

I have another card I use for online transactions. This is the number I enter just about every time I buy something online, so I have it memorized and haven’t touched the actual card in months.

If I were doing it right, I would have a third card for recurring transactions. But I don’t want to juggle too many cards, so I put these on the online card.

And one more thing: if I know I’m going to be going to a restaurant, I take enough cash so I don’t have to use a credit card. I’m suspicious whenever someone takes my credit card away where I can’t see it. Plus, it makes leaving the restaurant easier – I don’t have to wait for the waitress to come back with my card. I just hand her the cash (bill plus tip, rounded up to the nearest dollar), tell her it’s all set, and then I can leave whenever I want.

A wise man will hear and increase in learning,
And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,

Proverbs 1:5