Another Trichotomy
I have an update to an old post about the trichotomy of features. This one pertains to technology.
I was thinking of any number of social media networks, but it could also apply to a smart phone app, or an internet-connected thermostat, or the remote start feature of your car. It seemed broad enough that I just called it “technology”.
It was prompted by the political discussions of liberty versus freedom in light of national security events. But the same concept extends to devices too.
For example, the fancy new thermostats can be controlled via a smart phone app. That feature is useful, but now your furnace can be controlled by someone in another country. So your security has gone down.
Or a social network that wants to give people freedom to interact, so it opens up its API. To protect people’s security, it doesn’t gather personal information from its users. Now it is not very useful, because it’s the information such as birthdays that enhances the usefulness of social networks.
who formerly was useless to you, but now is useful both to you and to me.
Philemon 1:11