NFL Penalty Parity, Part 2
Last time, we covered pass interference. Most of the other penalties don’t have so much of a discrepancy between offense and defense. For example, a face mask penalty is 15 yards against the offender no matter which side he was playing.
Today, I’m covering personal fouls. I agree with the league’s changes for this year in which players can now foul out. But there is one more change that should be suggested – the eye for an eye principle.
This would mean that any injury that resulted from a foul would cause the perpetrator to be suspended for as long as the injured player was out of commission.
Players do get injured playing football. I’m not proposing any injury gets this treatment – only injuries that happened because the opposing player did something egregious.
It sounds fair though – if you hurt someone such that he can’t play football, then you don’t get to play football until he does.
Good luck getting that through the committees though. Maybe a cap, such as a maximum suspension of 12 games, would help make it palatable.
But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,
Exodus 21:23