Archive for July, 2018

The Same Inside

Sometimes people say “We’re all the same inside” to remind others that all people are human and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

While I appreciate the intent, I do find fault with the statement. For instance, roughly half the population is born with some different internal organs than the other half of the population. And even then, many people are different inside.

One woman might be different from another because she had knee-replacement surgery and now has artificial knees. That makes her different inside from most people.

Or one man might be different inside from another because he had his appendix removed so he’s missing an organ. That makes him different inside from most people.

“No,” you may say, “not physically the same, but emotionally and stuff. Everyone has the same non-physical needs.”

Then I have the same objection. I know some people who are natural optimists and others who are natural pessimists. Or morning people versus those who stay up late. Everyone is different – different hopes and dreams, different likes and dislikes, and so on.

“But Shakespeare!” you may object. To which I must assume you are referencing the line “if you prick us, do we not bleed?”

And my answer is that there are multiple blood types – we do not all bleed the same stuff. It’s close though.

We’re similar inside, but not all the same.

But the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the platter; but inside of you, you are full of robbery and wickedness.”

Luke 11:39

Tension Rod

I was shopping around for a new curtain rod for the shower and I noticed that they were all titled “tension rod”.

They were titled that because they are held in place by pressing against the walls, rather than by being fastened to the walls.

But from what I learned in college, that’s wrong.

The curtain rod is pushing against the walls so it is being compressed. It should be a compression rod.

A tension rod would be somewhere that needed to prevent two walls from spreading apart.

Maybe a better way to do this is to picture a spring in the middle of the bar. To get the curtain rod to stay in place, you wedge it in place – what happens to the spring compared to its normal state? It is compressed. When a tension rod is in use, it is experiencing compression.

Whoever named that thing a tension rod has some explaining to do.

You shall break them with a rid of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.

Psalm 2:9

Wreaking Something

No object other than havoc is ever used with the verb wreak, and vice-versa it seems.

Why not get rid of the apparently redundant word wreak and just say “havocking”?

That should make sense.

Because what else do people wreak other than havoc? Does anyone wreak peace? Wreaking order?

Although havocking for some reason does sound friendlier than wreaking havoc.

Bonus grammar/etymology question: shouldn’t someone have to furl something first before it is unfurled? Yet I never hear of anything being furled.

The city of chaos is broken down; Every house is shut up so that none may enter.

Isaiah 24:10

Independence Day

Nothing to see here today. I’m trying to catch up on sleep after changing time zones. More posts on that will be coming up soon. Plus today is a holiday, at least where I am it is.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.

Psalm 33:12