Archive for August 29th, 2019

Duct Fans, Ranked

I needed to help out some of the ductwork in a section of the house that wasn’t getting as cool as the rest of the house. It was due to poor airflow, so I had to add a return and a duct booster fan. I went through a few different types, so I’ll try to help you out should you ever need a duct fan.

I’m starting with the cheapest fan and working up from there.

1. The Big Box Special

image of a cheap duct booster vent fan

This one can be picked up in stock at various home improvement stores. The other fans in this post have to be ordered.

While it does move air, it doesn’t move it much and it’s rather noisy. If you aim this fan at a butterfly, you would be suggesting a direction to the butterfly.

2. The Better-Constructed Version

image of a decent duct booster vent fan

This one is more solidly constructed, which helps with NVH. And durability too, I expect. It moves slightly more air. The butterfly will have to put in some effort to overcome this fan.

3. The Best One

image of a very good duct booster vent fan

This one has a different style. There is actually some engineering going on in there – not just a tube with a fan in it. I got the Silent version and it is much quieter. I wouldn’t say it’s silent, but you don’t need to raise your voice to be heard over it. It also comes with an Off-Low-High switch, which is handy. The butterfly will not get a choice with this fan.

4. Overkill

image of a crazy duct booster vent fan

This one is ridiculous. It is a centrifugal fan. It moves a lot of air. It has to spool up – I turned it on and thought “That’s not very impressive” but after 5 more seconds I changed my mind. It needs to be attached to something secure because of the force the spinning produces. Have you gone to a science center or hands-on museum that had the display where you hold a spinning bicycle tire or other rotating mass and you felt it pulling you left or right depending on which way you tilt it? If so, then you know how this thing feels while it’s going. And it is very loud.

If you aim this one at a butterfly you will kill it. Also, do not wear a necktie near this fan.

Those are my thoughts on various duct fans or inline boosters or what-have-you. The best one is not that much more money than the better-constructed axial fan, but the performance is much better, so I’d say it’s the best value. I’m sure there’s a use for the centrifugal fan, but not for anything residential.

He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens And by His power He directed the south wind.

Psalm 78:26