Archive for December 4th, 2019

Sundry and Sundry Thoughts

Here are some thoughts I jotted down that aren’t quite sufficient for their own individual blog posts. If you’re the type of person who likes Twitter, pretend each of these is a tweet.

  • What would impressionists do without George Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  • What would happen if we sent only thoughts to a family affected by tragedy? Or prayers only? Is this one of those sum-greater-than-the-parts things? I know you can think about something without praying, but can you pray about something without thinking about it?
  • Now that I mention it, the phrase people usually use is “our thoughts and prayers go out to the family” which means they are praying to that family. That’s just wrong, and I bet they really aren’t praying to the family, which means they’re also lying. Now if someone said “we are sending prayers to God for the family” I could agree with that.
  • You know who is sitting on a gold mine? – Christian Bookstore Distributors. Yes, they own the website domain name of CBD. But how could they, as good Christians, sell that to the other people who really want the CBD name?
  • Kids these days don’t know the words to classical music. I was singing the other day “Smurfberry crunch is fun to eat” and all I got was a funny look. At least my kids know the words to Carol of the Bells – it’s “”

Any other words to classical tunes that you like?

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.

Isaiah 55:8