Bites of Bagel
The First Law of Bagels:
No matter where you start eating your bagel, the last bite will be the only part that was touching the garlic-onion bagel.
If someone brings in bagels to work, it’s usually in a bag and it’s the variety pack of bagels. I’ll pick something like a blueberry bagel, and it tastes nice and blueberry-y until the last bite. Obviously, my blueberry bagel has been resting against other bagels in its trip from the bagel store to out office. Most parts of my bagel had apparently been touching plain bagels, except there’s always that very fragrant (and whatever the word is for taste equivalent of fragrant) bagel in the bunch. And it’s taste is incompatible with that of the blueberry bagel.
Regardless of which part of the bagel I choose to eat first, the last bite is the one that has the most of the off-putting taste. I’d like to end my bagel-eating with just the flavor I chose, but it rarely works that way.
They shall eat the flesh that same night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
Exodus 12:8