Archive for April 15th, 2020

Subject and Verb

Some of our kids’ teachers sent out a link to a site that we could use to keep up on grammar lessons while schools are prohibited from meeting. It is called No Red Ink. It appears they are thorough in that their website promos display good grammar.

image of no red ink, the web page for

I half expected the marketing copy to have the common error of matching the verb with the nearest text rather than the actual subject – but it didn’t so I’m impressed. In case you’re wondering, the subject is one school district so the correct verb is uses to match the singular subject. The common mistake is to take the closest noun (2 school districts) and match the verb to that.

I also noticed they use the Oxford comma, so that makes me happy. I haven’t seen one of their actual lessons, so I can’t vouch for the completely, but their first impression was a good one.

But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully,

1 Timothy 1:8