Archive for May 27th, 2020

Slogans in Context

It’s interesting how much difference context makes. For example, consider these slogans:

  • Keep your laws off my body
  • My body my choice
  • Politicians make bad doctors

What does that make you think of?

What if I said the context is Covid-19 and government-mandated wearing of masks?

The interesting part to me is that the two sides of those slogans flip if you change the context from abortion to quarantine.

Talk about public health and social distance and masks and shutting down gatherings, and all of a sudden the conservatives are the ones saying

  • Keep your laws off my body
  • My body my choice
  • Politicians make bad doctors

and the liberals are welcoming laws and executive orders that limit what they can do with their bodies and they are trusting politicians to make good medical decisions.

Of course that’s a generalization and there are exceptions, but in general that’s how it appears these days.

So it seems to me those slogans are not true because people don’t believe them across the board. Also, “if you don’t like masks then don’t get one.”

P.S. I was going to submit this as an idea to the Babylon Bee, but I couldn’t find anywhere to send it. Their contact form has a dropdown list of reasons to contact them but the glaring omission of “article ideas” made me think they did that on purpose.

I would have reformatted it first – something like “Conservatives and liberals are engaged in negotiations for who gets to use which slogans. The initial proposal was to have the conservatives return ‘My body my choice’ on June 1 and retain ‘Politicians make bad doctors’ throughout the summer, but talks have stalled over ‘Keep your laws off my body’.”

I didn’t fully write the article, as you can see, but it’s mostly there.

Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.

Proverbs 26:5