Archive for July 1st, 2020

Sundry and Various Thoughts

Here are some thoughts I jotted down that aren’t quite sufficient for their own individual blog posts. If you’re the type of person who likes Twitter, pretend each of these is a tweet.

  • We got something that was in a tamper-proof box, and was labelled as such and conveyed that it was an important package. I think that’s the wrong approach. I would rather the sender of such an item try to go unnoticed, fly below the radar. Put something bland and useless on the outside, so as not to be enticing to others. Like “Oatmeal” or “Wart Remover” or just no description.
  • Why is the word “beheaded”? Should it be “be-not-headed”? Or maybe “deheaded”, like “decapitated”.
  • I saw a sign that said “Life is short, so eat more dessert.” It was probably in a candy store or something. But my thought was they got it backwards. Your life is short because you’re eating too much dessert. If you took better care of your body by eating less dessert, maybe your life wouldn’t be so short.
  • There is no shortage of articles about how Warren Buffett and Bill Gates think rich people should pay more taxes. They want the government to change tax laws so that certain people pay more taxes. Those two guys have pledged to give a bunch of money to charity. If they think the government is in need of more money, why didn’t they give their money to the government? Actions speak louder than words – they know the government isn’t the best use of money. They should be advocating for more charitable donation writeoffs.
  • “Lisp” is a bad word to pronounce for someone with a lisp. I thought that was bad, then I learned the word for having trouble pronouncing the letter L is “lambdacism”. But the word for a specific type of lambdacism is “lallation”. It’s like they’re making it as bad as possible for those people to say their own condition. The letter R – “rhotacism”. At least they didn’t name anything “rarrism” for people who have trouble with R.

Immediately the king sent an executioner and commanded him to bring back his head. And he went and had him beheaded in the prison

Mark 6:27