Kitchen Design Idea
I don’t plan on moving anytime soon, much less building a new house, much less designing the kitchen for a new house. But if I did, I know what I’d want to do: two dishwashers.
We seem to have the problem of slowly-moving kids who don’t necessarily get the dishwasher emptied before the next meal. So the dirty dishes from that meal ended up piled in or next to the sink, to be loaded into the dishwasher when it is next available.
This could be solved by having two dishwashers – they’d take turns holding either the clean or dirty dishes. Think about it – you could set the table from the clean dishwasher and put them into the dirty dishwasher after the meal. Then when the dirty dishwasher is full you run it. And in theory the clean dishwasher would be empty at the same time so then it becomes the dirty dishwasher.
Now someone’s objection could be that having two dishwashers would cut out significant cabinet space. But since one dishwasher is storing clean dishes, you would need less cabinet space. It is, in effect, a cabinet with plumbing.
So the benefits to this arrangement are that kids don’t have an excuse not to put things in the dishwasher and fewer transactions are needed (dishes go from dishwasher to table and back without needing the middleman of the cabinets).
The drawbacks are increased cost and I was going to say having to track which one is clean/dirty but that’s already being done with one dishwasher so that’s not anything different.
Also the earthenware vessel in which it was boiled shall be broken; and if it was boiled in a bronze vessel, then it shall be scoured and rinsed in water.
Leviticus 6:28