Archive for September 8th, 2020

NFL in April, 2020

A few months ago, we had the announcement of the 2020 NFL schedule, but I forgot because I was distracted by world events. Now that we know who will play whom and when, we can start predicting wins and losses, just before the season starts.

I keep my predictions over at Some Fun Site. View results of previous football seasons.

2019 Summary

Last year, I predicted that

  • Atlanta Falcons = 5-11
  • Cleveland Browns = 8-8
  • Denver Broncos = 3-13
  • Jacksonville Jaguars = 16-0
  • Philadelphia Eagles = 11-5

How they actually did was

  • Atlanta Falcons = 7-9
  • Cleveland Browns = 6-10
  • Denver Broncos = 7-9
  • Jacksonville Jaguars = 6-10
  • Philadelphia Eagles = 9-7

Well, I got all the digits correct for the Jaguars, just not in the right order. For the other teams, I at least got winning season or not winning season right, for what that’s worth.
