Sundry Thoughts, Wife Edition
Here are some thoughts I jotted down that aren’t quite sufficient for their own individual blog posts. If you’re the type of person who likes Twitter, pretend each of these is a tweet.
- When your wife asks “What do you think I am?” – it’s a rhetorical question.
- Since my wife is usually the one I text, after I text someone who is not my wife, I must remember to get out of that text thread and get back to the list of contacts. Otherwise I start typing and hit send before realizing it’s not to her. Last time I did that, I asked my brother if I needed to stop at the grocery store after work. He didn’t know.
- I asked my wife to reserve an item for me at the library. She did, and told me “Ok, you’re queued.” To which I replied (in my best Rudolph voice) “I’m queued! I’m queued! She said I’m queued!” She then rolled her eyes.
- Customer service is trying various methods of being contacted. I usually opt for the voice call, but Some Wife tried the customer service via text messaging. I forget what the problem was, but the customer service rep’s response was a corporate script and not very helpful. So Some Wife sent her reply, which ended in an eye-roll emoji. I wonder if being able to receive emojis from customers now helps the reps to do their job.
- The Bible verse where Paul says he doesn’t do what he wants to do and does do what he doesn’t want to do makes a lot of sense if you frame it in the context of marriage. Do you think he really wanted to paint the front door? No, but he did it anyway.
I do not do the good things I want to do, but I do the bad things I do not want to do.
Romans 7:19 (NCV)