Ambiguous Home Depot
I’ve been a card-carrying member of Home Depot for many years, and I thought I knew how store aisles worked.
But today I learned something new.
Here’s what happened: I was looking for an item but it was a small obscure item (lamp socket adapter) so – while I was in the store – I looked it up on Home Depot’s website. It said there were several in stock, and it was located in aisle 44 bay 11.
I found aisle 44 and bay 11. That had a bunch of electrical boxes but no adapters of any sort. So I hailed a nearby employee who asked a couple questions then took me right to the item. Which was in aisle 44 bay 11.
But the other aisle 44 bay 11.
Which made no sense to me.
I saw the sign for aisle 44 and went down aisle 44. I thought aisle 44 was on one side of the aisle, like if you’re looking down an aisle then 44 would be on the left and 45 would be on the right. But nope, they have aisle 44 being both sides.
And that would be okay if the bays were numbered differently, such as odd on one side and even on the other. Or 1->n on one side and n+1 -> n+n on the other side.
But nope, they have 1->n on one side, and 1->n on the other side.
It would be like if your address were 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but there was also a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave across the street from you.
But now I know – there are two separate places to look any time the HD site gives the location of an item.
So look, and learn about all the hiding places where he keeps himself hidden, and return to me with certainty, and I will go with you; and if he is in the land, I will search him out among all the thousands of Judah.
1 Samuel 23:23