Archive for January 5th, 2022

Flowers Throughout the Year

Since we’re in the dead of winter with snow covering everything, it’s a good time to think about flowers. I’ve already started receiving seed catalogs, but I’m not sure how much ordering I’m going to do this year. I seem to be on track with my seed saving, so we’ll see.

I wanted to see when all the perennials we have here start blooming. Mainly to see what needs some help from annuals, but also maybe moving something around or adding something.

Blooms by Month (when the flowers first appear):

First to bloom every year are the snowdrops.

image of early snowdrops in bloom

Next is something I’ve been calling Siberian iris but I think that’s wrong.

image of Siberian iris in bloom

And the yellow crocus arrives before …

image of yellow crocus in bloom

… the purple crocus.

image of early snowdrops in bloom

And then come the species tulips.