I was always impressed with people who could make life lessons out of things.
“Wow, that’s a really good way of looking at that.”
“How did they think of that?”
and so on.
But then I discovered that you can make anything a life lesson if you want. You can even make the same thing two opposite lessons. People just make them up.
This realization came to me last summer as I was figuring out how to keep our pool clean.
I read something about how you should stir the water and brush the sides so the gunk doesn’t settle and can get pulled into the filter. It won’t stay clean unless you keep things active. And I was reminded of relationship advice – not to let problems fester, but to get things out in the open. You can’t resolve any problems by ignoring them.
Then we went away on vacation, and the pool sat unattended for a week or two. And all the gunk settled and congealed into a mat at the bottom of the pool, and it was easily scraped up in large chunks. And I was reminded of relationship advice – not to keep bringing up disagreements and hurts, but to give things time to heal.
No, it’s not a perfect analogy, but I never was that good at making life lessons out of things. But the life lesson here is that you can get lessons out of anything. Like Ratatouille – not that everything can be a life lesson, but that a life lesson can come from anywhere.
Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all offenses.
Proverbs 10:12
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With the daylight hours diminishing, I can’t spend all evening working outside on yard projects anymore. So I’m stuck inside after dinner.
I’ve found myself wondering if I should catch up on some of the movies I’ve been thinking about watching. But then I remember that it’s football season, so half the time the evening could be spent watching football.
I then got to comparing watching sports versus watching a movie. If I have to spend two hours of my evening, which is better?
With movies, they have different characters, but the plots are generally similar and the ending is about the same.
With sports, they have the same recurring characters and the plots are generally similar, but the ending is unknown.
I usually end up watching football because it’s live. I know the movies aren’t going anywhere, and it’s not very fun watching a game a week or two later after you know the outcome.
Yes, there are still plenty of projects inside the house to do, but it seems my motivation sets with the sun.
My eyes anticipate the night watches, So that I may meditate on Your word.
Psalm 119:148
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One of main complaints with the iPhone is the inconsistent interface for clock notifications. I use both the alarm (for waking up in the morning) and the timer (reminders during the day) just about every day. And I never know which button to press to get it to stop.
Here’s the alarm:

And here’s the timer:

My problem is that I want to press the larger, more colorful button. But Apple has made the decision that for the two parts of its clock app, the larger, more colorful button will have two different meanings.
So when my iPhone starts making clock noises, I have to look at it, figure out which button means “stop” and which button means “remind me again soon”, and press the one I want.
One of these days, I’ll change my alarm setting to turn off the snooze option…
Then when you sound an alarm the second time, the camps that are pitched on the south side shall set out; an alarm is to be sounded for them to break camp.
Numbers 10:6
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This one is about 19 years late, but I didn’t see that anyone’s done this yet, so here it is.
If Gwen Stefani ever needs an idea for a store, she should open a Jewish bread store.

And, of course, all sales to females are final.
Because …
you can’t take that challah back, girl.
When I break your staff of bread, ten women will bake your bread in one oven, and they will bring back your bread in rationed amounts, so that you will eat and not be satisfied.
Leviticus 26:26
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