Percentage Calculator
To help people understand and use percentages, we here at Some Blog Site have provided a Percentage Calculator to demonstrate how percentages work.
Here are some basic instructions for working with percentages. “X” means number, “Y” means another number, and “%” means the percentage. The calculator will do all these for you, but in case you want to learn how it works, we are listing the equations.
Description | Equation |
To take a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the percentage and divide by one hundred. | X * % / 100 |
To get a percentage more than a number (percent increase, what is % more than X), take the percentage of the number and then add the result to the original number. | (X * % / 100) + X |
Another way of doing the same thing is to add one hundred to the percentage first, then multiply the number by that new percentage and divide by one hundred. | (X * (% + 100)) / 100 |
To get a percentage less than a number (percent decrease, what is % less than X), take the percentage of the number and then subtract the result from the original number. | X - (X * % / 100) |
Another way of doing the same thing is to subtract one hundred from the percentage first, then multiply the number by that new percentage and divide by one hundred. | (X * (100 - %)) / 100 |
To find how much of a percentage a number is of another number, divide a number by another number and multiply by one hundred. | % = (X / Y) * 100 |
- The equation for inverting a percent loss is this: % / (1 - (% / 100))
An example of this is 30%. Take 1 - 0.3 and get 0.7 and divide them (30% / 0.7) and you get 42.85%. So come out even after a 30% loss, you need a 42.85% gain. - The equation for inverting percent gain is this: % / (1 + (% / 100))
An example of this is 42.85%. Take 1 + 0.4285 and get 1.4285 and divide them (42.85% / 1.4285) and you get 30%. So to come out even after a 42.85% gain, you need a 30% loss.
Again, please visit the calculator for more fun with percentages.

August 22nd, 2012 at 6:11 am
Hi, will you please help me finding some good scripts of online calculators? I’ve been searching for such a lot now, but have found just some of the widgets that I need. Very cool site you have, by the way, congrats about that. HEre I found some very useful info and online widgets. Do you write the scripts yourself, or purchase them from somewhere?
August 23rd, 2012 at 10:14 pm
I wrote the calculators myself, thanks.